‘COLOR ART FEST 2021 – 22′ National online Drawing Competition - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 29 July 2021

‘COLOR ART FEST 2021 – 22′ National online Drawing Competition

‘COLOR ART FEST 2021 – 22′ is the National online Drawing Competition for Grade 1st to Grade 12th Children of India. This National Contest is Organized & Sponsored by Globebook. We believe every Child is an Artist. This Contest is unique Platform for them to showcase their Creative ability & Win Loads of Prizes. We render this opportunity to all Individual, Schools & Art Institutions of the India.

FIRST ROUND - Poster Making Contest
1. Participants shall submit only one Drawing on given Topic.
2. Submission apart from given Topic will be Eliminated.
3. All Participants are free to Draw, Paint, illustrate in any form or style as stated. Artwork must be Colourful. Any type of Craft work, Cutting Pasting, 3D, Black/white or Sketch Artwork is Not Allowed.
4. Paper Size: A3 Size or 11-inch X 17-inch Size of White Drawing Paper. Horizontal or Vertical.
5. Artworks shall be Fresh, Original & must not be a Replica or a Copy of any artworks that has been submitted / Published on any Medium including Social Media before or after or at any other competition by the Participants / Parents / Teachers / Institutions without the prior Permission of the Organisation.
6. Judging & Grading of Artwork will be done on basis of Age, Subject, Idea, Drawing & Painting Style, Message & over all Presentation.
7. It is responsibility of the School / Student / Teacher / Parent to ensure that you are not breaking any local or international or copyright laws.
NOTE: Participants must preserve their Original Artworks, to confirm the authenticity if required by the Organizers. All National Winners of COLOR ART FEST 2020 – 21 may have to submit Drawings of all 3 Rounds in Original at Mumbai.

JUDGES CHOICE AWARDS – 10 Best Entries from National Winners
Art Teachers will be rewarded ‘The Global Gurus’ Achievers Awards Certification and 100000/- Rupees Cash Reward.
1ST PRIZE (each Class) – INR 51,000/- + Gold Medal + Certificate
2ND PRIZE (each Class) – INR 25,000/- + Silver Medal + Certificate
3RD PRIZE (each Class) – INR 10,000/- + Bronze Medal + Certificate
5 CONSOLATION PRIZE (each Class)  – INR 1,000/- + Certificate of Merits
Digital Certificate of Excellence for A++, A+, A
Digital Certificate of Appreciation for B++  (only till State level)
Digital Certificate of Participation for Others
TOPIC : Celebrating Indian Festivals


1. Submissions must be sent on email on or before the submission date given to the Participant at below email address.
2. Participants must send the Digital Photograph / Scan Copy of Artwork & Registration Form with good resolution in PDF / JPEG format as an attachments in email. 
3. Change the Subject Line to ” Participant Name” & Registration Number.
4. Rename the files name in Name of Participant before attaching the file to email. Eg. Raghav Artwork, Raghav Registration Form.
5. Please don’t send empty email body, Please mention Participant’s details in email body and then attach the files.
6. Every Sucessfull Submission will receive one time Confirmation Email as an Acknowledgement within 2 days of Submission. Sending Multiple Emails of same Artworks will be REJECTED.
NOTE : Late Submission Fees is INR 100/- . so please don’t delay your Artwork Submission.

This Contest is schedule in 2 Phases as per States. The Contest is started from JUNE 2021 & will end on 30th APRIL 2022. Contest Phase 1 start with First Round Entries in JUNE 2021 and its Results will be announced on Diwali 2021 and Best entries goes for Second Round (Semi Finals).


  1. What is the theme/topic of the competition?

  2. How to register our drawing. Here there is no registration form

  3. The theme is open. The drawing should be original. Please visit the organiser's website for details and entry forms. As on date, their website is down. You can check later.


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