BrainQuest – The Ultimate Science Challenge! - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 7 November 2024

BrainQuest – The Ultimate Science Challenge!

Challenge Your Science Knowledge with BrainQuest at SciNQuest 2024-2025!

For students passionate about science, BrainQuest is the ultimate quiz competition designed to sharpen knowledge and skills. Part of the prestigious SciNQuest 2024-2025, hosted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, BrainQuest is an exhilarating journey through the world of science, with an online phase and an exciting on-site finale at Amritapuri Campus.

What is BrainQuest?

BrainQuest brings together young minds from across the nation to test their knowledge of science and critical thinking skills. Open to students in grades VIII to XII, and also to exceptional students in grades V to VII, BrainQuest is an opportunity to demonstrate scientific acumen and prepare for future success.

Competition Format
BrainQuest is a team-based quiz competition that takes place in two phases:

  • Phase 1: An online preliminary round with multiple-choice questions covering core scientific concepts.
  • Phase 2: Qualifying teams will participate in the final round at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus.

Team Requirements

  • Teams consist of two students from the same school, from any combination of the eligible classes (VIII to XII and exceptional performers in V to VII).
  • Schools can register up to five teams, with each team needing authorization from the school head.

BrainQuest offers fantastic rewards to winning teams:

  • First Prize: Rs. 30,000
  • Second Prize: Rs. 20,000
  • Third Prize: Rs. 10,000
  • Seven Consolation Prizes: Rs. 5,000 each

All teams will also receive participation certificates, making BrainQuest a memorable learning experience for every participant.

Why Join BrainQuest?
BrainQuest is a valuable platform for students to deepen their understanding of science, gain confidence in their abilities, and compete in a supportive environment. Participants will network with like-minded peers, engage with mentors, and get a taste of academic success while competing for recognition and awards.

How to Register
Register online through the SciNQuest portal at Join BrainQuest to put your science skills to the test and make unforgettable memories!


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