MathQuest – Unleashing Your Inner Mathematician! - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 7 November 2024

MathQuest – Unleashing Your Inner Mathematician!

Explore Your Math Potential with MathQuest at SciNQuest 2024-2025!

If you’re a math enthusiast who loves solving complex problems, then MathQuest, the Math Olympiad segment of SciNQuest 2024-2025, is for you! Organized by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, MathQuest is a two-phase competition that tests students’ math skills, providing a national-level platform to build a strong mathematical foundation.

What is MathQuest?
MathQuest aims to deepen students’ understanding of mathematics beyond the classroom by challenging their problem-solving skills. Open to students from grades VIII to XII, and even to outstanding students in grades V to VII, MathQuest is designed to encourage the analytical and logical thinking needed for academic and professional success.

Competition Format
MathQuest is a team-based competition, where each team consists of two students from the same school. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Phase 1: Conducted online, with multiple-choice questions covering various math concepts.
  • Phase 2: Students who qualify in Phase 1 will compete on-site at the Amritapuri campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • Participation: Teams can be a mix of students from the eligible classes (VIII to XII and exceptional performers in V to VII). Schools can register a maximum of five teams, each team requiring authorization from the school head.

MathQuest offers impressive prizes to top teams:

  • First Prize: Rs. 30,000
  • Second Prize: Rs. 20,000
  • Third Prize: Rs. 10,000
  • Seven Consolation Prizes: Rs. 5,000 each

All teams will receive participation certificates, making MathQuest an enriching experience for every participant.

Why Join MathQuest?
MathQuest not only prepares students for success in mathematics but also enhances their critical thinking skills and builds confidence. By participating, students stand a chance to boost their academic profiles, win exciting prizes, and, most importantly, develop a love for mathematics that will serve them for a lifetime.

How to Register
Registration is completely online. Visit to register your team and unleash your inner mathematician!

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