“Rang De Veer”–All India Open Online Painting Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 13 July 2023

“Rang De Veer”–All India Open Online Painting Contest

The purpose of the contest is to create awareness about the fallen heroes of our Armed Forces and generate a nationalistic feeling among all the school children.

 The theme of the contest is, “Balidan” – saluting the sacrifice of the fallen soldiers of our Armed Forces right from India’s independence in 1947 till date.
Who can Participate

The contest is open to:
All children studying in Class I to Class XII in any school located in India.
All children studying in “open schools” affiliated to National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and pursuing studies through open and distance learning (ODL) mode.
All “children with special needs” enrolled in regular/special schools under “Special Category” of the contest.
All children holding Indian passports and studying in CBSE affiliated schools outside India.
 There is no participation fee and only Indian nationals can take part in the contest.

The contest is being conducted under two categories:
Junior Category: Students of Class I to Class VI (or up to 12 years of age)
Senior Category: Students of Class VII to Class XII (or up to 18 years of age)

** Children with “Special Needs” under both categories will be assessed under “Special Category”.


 There are a total of 56 prizes (28 prizes in each category) in the contest:
 Junior Category:

First Prize: Rs 30,000/- and Certificate of Excellence
Second Prize: Rs 20,000/- and Certificate of Excellence
Third Prize: Rs 10,000/- and Certificate of Excellence
20 Consolation Prizes of Rs 2500/- each along with Certificate of Excellence
05 Special Prizes for “Children with Special Needs”
Additionally, each winner will be given a gift containing a set of books
Certificate of Recognition to top 100 participants

Senior Category:

First Prize: Rs 30,000/- and Certificate of Excellence
Second Prize: Rs 20,000/- and Certificate of Excellence
Third Prize: Rs 10,000/- and Certificate of Excellence
20 Consolation Prizes of Rs 2500/- each along with Certificate of Excellence
05 Special Prizes for “Children with Special Needs”
Additionally, each winner will be given a gift containing a set of books
Certificate of Recognition to top 100 participants
What to Submit

The children can take part in the contest by submitting a painting, which should be a tribute to the sacrifice (Balidan) of any one or more fallen heroes of our Armed Forces from any war/operation since 1947.
The participants may visit https://www.honourpoint.in to find more information about the fallen soldiers of all the wars/operations since 1947.
How to Submit

The participants should make a painting and then digitize it by scanning or using a good quality camera (Stand Alone or Mobile Phone). The participants are requested to send only the digitized version of the painting.
The digitized painting should be A3 in size (11.69 by 16.54 inches) with a minimum 300 PPI (Pixels per Inch) resolution.
In case of junior category, the digitized painting should be sent to the mail ID honourpoint.rdv.junior@gmail.com. The mail should be sent along with the contact mail ID of the participant (or parent/teacher) and copy of his/her photo identity (School ID/ Aadhaar Card etc.)
In case of senior category the digitized painting should be sent to the mail ID honourpoint.rdv.senior@gmail.com. The mail should be sent along with the contact mail ID of the participant and copy of his/her photo identity (School ID/ Aadhaar Card etc.)
The children with special needs should mention “Special Category” in the mail subject line while submitting the entries in their respective categories.
The participants should submit a declaration (written and signed at the base of the painting or on a separate sheet) stating ….”I certify that the work submitted by me is my own and Honourpoint is free to utilize the same in any media or form”.

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