#StoryMirror Schools Writing Competition - Season 3 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 5 August 2021

#StoryMirror Schools Writing Competition - Season 3

“You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

StoryMirror, in association with Club Mahindra, presents the 3rd season of India’s biggest Writing Competition for school students and teachers - 'StoryMirror Schools Writing Competition (SSWC)’.

Be it a student’s imagination centering the struggles of the ant climbing the wall or a teacher’s desire to weave a story that captures various values and learnings - StoryMirror believes that, flipping through the pages of their mind, everyone has something to write about. So start writing, no matter what!!!

SSWC aims at harnessing the potential of the imagination of the students and teachers to create a world of words which can inspire & motivate others or evoke their emotions. 

We would like all school students and teachers to share their world of imagination and have a liberating experience! 

Participant Categories:

Class 3 to 7
Class 8 to 12

Contest Categories:

Audio Story and Poem

English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam

There are no specific themes or topics to write on. However, if you are not sure of what to write about, you can refer to the themes given by us and win special prizes. 

We travel for adventure, for trade, for sightseeing, for pilgrimage or for exploring unknown lands. We see new places, meet new people, indulge in new activities. Each experience transforms us. Travelling isn’t merely about visiting an unfamiliar region; it is also about imbibing the true essence of the place.

Every travel tale has something special. And we invite you to share yours with us.

Write on any of the given themes and the best entry on the given theme under each participant category will win a 2N/3D holiday trip from Club Mahindra.

Note: Use #TravelDiaries in the tags section of your content.

Suggested themes for story/poem :

Your imaginary holiday on another planet
A place you visited that impressed you the most
You and your family plan for eco-friendly travel and how you can become more responsible tourists?
Any lessons you have learnt on any of your trips.
Your perfect dream vacation (where would you go, what will you do, eat, play… )
Your first travel experience without parents.
If time travel were possible, where would you want to go – which era and to meet whom?
The most unexpected or interesting incident you experienced during one of your travels.

Contest Period – 20th July, 2021 to 15th October, 2021
Second round for SM Literature Masters Award will be announced later through email
Voting Period – 1st November, 2021 to 30th November, 2021
Results – 20th January, 2022

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