IBPF International High School Essay Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

IBPF International High School Essay Contest

IBPF believe that mental health education is most effective when it begins in our youth.
Each year IBF host an essay contest for teenagers where IBPF ask them to do research on a particular topic and then perform a specific activity to foster mental health awareness in their communities.

Although social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with friends and building a sense of community, research indicates that social media usage may negatively affect mental health. What are some ways that you can leverage social media for the greater good in your community?

1. Create a mental health campaign or program using social media to connect with classmates, and explain how you can develop non-screen time activities inside or outside of school.2

Make a plan for launching a social media campaign showing how we can uplift and encourage your classmate’s self-esteem and promote mental wellness. 


Must be a current high school student in 9th to 12th grade.
Must provide your high school teacher or counselors information for verification.
Essay should be between 500-1000 words.
12 point, Times New Roman font.
Citations not included in word count.


IBPF are pleased to announce that 3 winners will receive cash prizes and their letters used as a template for future advocacy that will be featured on our website!

1st Place- $1000

2nd Place- $500

3rd Place- $250


Submissions are open from November 15th- Janurary 21st 


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