Google Science Fair: a global online competition for students - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Google Science Fair: a global online competition for students

The Google Science Fair is a global online science and engineering competition open to individuals and teams from ages 13 to 18. Submit a science or engineering project and win unbelievable prizes.

How to Participate

You should have a Google account to register for the competition

This competition is open to full-time and home-schooled students around the world, between ages of 13 and 18 (these ages are slightly different in a few countries like Israel, South Korea and Europe). See the Official Rules for more details.

Students can register on their own, or as teams of up to three. See the Official Rules for restrictions about eligibility, including some countries where students are prohibited by law to enter the competition

NO Registration Fee

There are two age groups: 13-15 and 16-18.

How to Enter the Competition:
To enter: Submit one (1) Entry either as an individual or as part of a group (“Team”) comprised of up to three (3) persons.

● If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Google Account: To register for a Google account, go
to and follow the instructions provided.
● Once you have a Google account, go to and register. You will be
asked to input your Google account, email address and password.
● You will then be taken to your Project Dashboard. Whenever you log in using your Google
account details at, you will arrive on the competition page
where you can enter and review your registration information, request parental or legal guardian
consent, create, edit and submit your final Entry

See the complete rules and regulations of Google Science Fair click here
Google Science Fair FAQ

Last Date: 12 December 2018


Grand Prize: The Grand Prize winner will be awarded $50,000 as scholarship funding. If the winner is a team, the scholarship amount will be divided among the members.
Finalist Prizes: There will be 20 global Finalist prizes which include:
  • A trip to Mountain View, CA, the USA  to participate in the finalist event in July 2019
  • A LEGO Education goodie bag
  • Virgin Galactic goodie bag
  • 12 Month subscription from Scientific American
  • 12 Month subscription from National Geographic

Google Science Fair Awards

Along with the prizes, the participants will also be given various awards as mentioned below
Scientific American Innovator Award (in the pure science category)
  • Scholarship: Funding of $15,000 offered to the winner by Scientific American.
  • One year of mentorship for developing the winner’s project and education
  • The winner, along with a parent or guardian, will also get a chance to take a Scientific American Cruise
Google Technologist Award (computer science and/or math category)
  • Scholarship: The winner will receive funding of $50,000 from Google
The National Geographic Explorer Award: (Natural Sciences category)
  • The winner will receive a year-long mentorship and $15,000 educational scholarship.
  • 18-day National Geographic Expedition to the Galapagos Archipelago, which is known as “Darwin’s living laboratory”, with a parent/guardian.
The LEGO Education Award: (Engineering category)
  • The winner will receive a year-long mentorship and $15,000 educational scholarship.
  • Visit the LEGO Group headquarters in Billund, Denmark with a parent/guardian to meet LEGO Education designers and employees.
The Virgin Galactic Pioneer Award (Space and Physics category)
  • The winner will receive a year-long mentorship and $15,000 educational scholarship.
  • A tour of Virgin Galactic facilities and meet the engineers of the Virgin Galactic.
The Inspiring Educator Award
  • Gift Card from LEGO Education: $5000 gift card for educational products.

Visit Google Science Fair website for details

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