Speak for India - Debate Competition - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Speak for India - Debate Competition

Speak for India is an initiative by Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation to encourage young, dynamic, and enthusiastic minds across the nation to raise their voice on pertinent issues and play the role of change-makers in society. We cannot rule out the possibility that somewhere in the nation, there may be a young prodigy aspiring to be a great orator. The event offers college-going students a podium to explore their awareness, insights, and perspective on contemporary topics.

The competition is being held in the following states

West Bengal

Rules and Regulations
All students competing in this competition must be registered.
All participants must be a student pursuing studies in a regular college in Kerala and not distance or correspondence education.
The previous finalists of any seasons will not be permitted to take part in the competition.
The debate has to be done only in Malayalam or in English and no other languages will be entertained at any point of competition.
Speakers must observe parliamentary language i.e. bad language is not permitted.
At any point in the competition, if it is found that the student does not belong to a particular college or has forged to get in competition he/she will be eliminated right away.
The judge’s decision will be considered final and in no terms will be allowed to fight against the decision.

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