Samsung Solve for Tomorrow - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow

Join Solve for Tomorrow, a national education and innovation competition for the next generation.

*Win grants of up to ₹ 92 lakh along with exciting Samsung goodies.

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, in partnership with the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) and Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), is back for its fourth year; with entries open to more students than ever before. This year, entries will be judged in two age categories, years 7-10 and years 11-13.

The Competition is open to Indian citizens aged between 14 to 17 years and 18-22 years
Only candidates who are aged 14–17 for school track and 18–22 years for youth track as on May 31, 2024 of the competition can apply.

Individuals or teams of up to five people can apply for the challenge.

The concept should be original in terms of science and technology or should be a wholly new product with a social or economic consequence. Without any innovation, new business models may not make it to consideration.

The team/individual should not have previously obtained funds/awards for the identical proposal from any agency or through other competitions for more than INR Five Lakh.
This competition is open to Indian nationals residing in India only.

The program has 4 phases:

Phase 1: In this phase, applications received on the website from all over India will go through experts' radar, who will then select Top 100 teams (50 teams from school track and 50 teams from youth track). This is a region based shortlist comprising of 10 teams of each region in each track. The website portal allows teams to check the status of their applications and the regions under which the application will be considered.

Phase 2: In this phase, the 10 shortlisted teams of each track in each region will participate in their respective online regional pitch events/rounds. Basis the Regional Pitch events/Rounds, from each Track, two teams to be selected from each Region by a jury during the online pitch events/ rounds, resulting into total of 10 teams from each Track and the same will be announced as Top 20 Teams (10 teams in school track and 10 teams in youth track).

A total of 20 teams therefore, will be a part of Phase 3 of the Competition

Phase 3: These Top 20 teams (10 teams from school track and 10 teams from youth track) semi-finalist teams will get online advanced training as an orientation towards business activities, capturing their journey and the origin of their idea. Along with mentoring for proof-of-concept development, business plan, and essential soft skills required for becoming the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. There will also be a 5-day Innovation Walk at Samsung R&Ds, and on Day 5 of the Innovation Walk, each track team will pitch their ideas at the National Pitch Event at IIT Delhi to be among the Top 10 Finalist teams (5 teams from school track and 5 teams from youth track). This shortlist of Finalists will be on the basis of jury scoring for respective tracks.

Phase 4: Top 10 teams (5 teams from school track and 5 teams from youth track) will undergo online prototyping class to refine their ideas for grand finale event wherein teams will pitch their ideas for one last time in front of the grand jury. There will be 1 winning team from school track and 1 winning team from youth track making them the winners of Solve for Tomorrow 2024.

School Track
Applications in the “School Track” between 14-17 years will apply in the theme: “Community & Inclusion” 

Youth Track 
Applications in the “Youth Track” between 18-22 years will apply in the theme: “Environment & Sustainability”

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