Bright Spark Invention Challenge 2023 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students


Friday, 1 September 2023

Bright Spark Invention Challenge 2023

The Bright Spark Fall 2023 Invention Challenge is coming up for rising 4th through 12th grades students (ages 9-18). The program will be conducted virtually, and it is free to participate.

For this challenge we are asking the question, “How might we help the people in communities affected by natural disasters recover emotionally and physically?”

Create a 90-second pitch video that demonstrates or explains your product, service, or technology that helps people recover from natural disasters. Review the Design Brief here for full details.

Register by midnight EST on September 27, 2023.

You must register to participate. Team up with others or participate as an individual. The registration deadline is September 27, 2023.

Design a product, service or technology that helps people prepare for and recover from natural disasters.

To showcase the invention prototype, generate a 90-second pitch video introducing what you’ve designed.

Submit your video! Videos will be used for public voting to determine the finalists. A judging panel will select the winners from the finalist group.

Attend virtual award ceremony on November 16, 2023!

The finalists are judged based on the following criteria: 

Idea - Identifies a real-world problem/challenge

Originality - Idea is original, novel, creative and/or inspiring

Ideation Process - Demonstrates inventions function and application 

Prototype - In alignment with ideation and considers cost and material needs

Experiment - Demonstrates multiple testing of prototype

Students are eligible for the following: 

Best Overall by Age Level 




Most Creative 

Best Prototype 

District People’s Choice Awards

Winning individuals/teams receive a medal, a virtual certificate, and recognition on Bridge Innovate website and social media platforms.

All teacher leaders  receive Design Thinking Leadership digital badge. Teachers of winning individuals/teams are eligible for the 2020 Innovation for Good award presented by Bridge Innovate.

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