eRAksha: Online Safety Awareness Challenge - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students


Thursday, 24 June 2021

eRAksha: Online Safety Awareness Challenge

CyberPeace Foundation, through the eRaksha Competition has been spreading awareness amongst
children & young adults on the need to be safe, smart and resilient in the cyberspace. In past two editions
of the Competition in 2019 and 2020, we have reached across to millions of children and youth across
India, encouraging them to use the potential of Internet for their growth and learning, as smart and
responsible digital citizens. We are now proud to present much awaited, eRaksha Competition 2021, in a
unique way, where these young internet users, educators and parents will get an opportunity for their
voices and experiences to be heard.

Who Can Participate?
The competitions are open for the following categories:
School Students (Classes 6-8)
Category- 2
School Students (C lasses 9-12)
Category- 3
Col lege Students (Ages 17 and above)
Category- 4
Teachers (From Schools & Colleges of Education)
Category- 5
Faculty (Col leges & Universit ies)
Category- 6
Parents & Guard ians

The competitions are available under the following categories

Use your artistic skills to show us what online safety means to you.

Send in drawings, painting, comics, memes, stickers and even comic strips. The theme for the competitions is Digital Citizenship and Online Safety. You may choose any topic related to this, such as privacy, safety, trolling, security tips, online fraud, bullying, phishing, vishing, malware etc. Please make sure that the only text your posters have is the caption.

Please refrain from writing any slogans. Winning entries will be shared by the partnering organizations on their social media handles and their websites.

Tech Avishkar
Use your coding and engineering skills to show us what online safety means to you. Your creation can be an implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things among others. .

You can create:
Software* (Mobile apps/Web app /Source Coding)
Hardware** (Innovative Device/Module Development )
Firmware*** (Software Controlled Devices, Appliances, etc.)
The theme for the competitions is Digital Citizenship and Online Safety. Your innovation must address a problem faced in cyberspace, such as privacy issues, safety, trolling, online fraud, bullying, phishing, vishing, malware, etc.

* Software refers to any script, program or application that can be run on a device. For e.g., gaming apps, browsers, OS, A/V players, etc.
** Hardware refers to machinery or equipment that can be connected to a computer system. For e.g., processors, I/O devices, etc.

*** Firmware refers to software that has been embedded into hardware. For e.g., software-controlled devices, appliances, controls, etc.

Word Hack
Use your writing skills to show us what online safety means to you.

You can send in short stories (only for Category 1, refer to guidelines), essays (only for Category 1, refer to guidelines), articles, blogs and research papers (for Categories 2 &3). The theme for the competitions is Digital Citizenship and Online Safety. You may choose any topic related to this, such as privacy issues, safety, trolling, security tips, online fraud, bullying, phishing, vishing, malware, etc. Winning entries will be shared by the partnering organizations on their social media handles and their websites.

Screen Masters
Let out the director in you and create an original video in the form of a short movies/awareness videos/ songs/ satires/ parodies/ documentaries and interviews with a strong message (aligning with the theme of the competition – Digital Citizenship & Online Safety) that would last forever in the minds of those who watch it. You may choose any theme related to the same, such as privacy issues, safety, trolling, security tips, online fraud or even bullying. If you choose to put dialogues or any text in the video, please make sure that it is either in Hindi or English.

Cyber Peace Honours
The Cyber Peace Honors is an award conferred on individuals who have consistently worked on online safety and cyber security to facilitate a peaceful, resilient and inclusive cyberspace for all.
You can be an individual, a group of individuals or even an institution.

Through this award, we hope to bring commendable efforts made by individuals to the forefront. So, if you are someone who has voluntarily put in efforts to promote online safety, register today.
Participants will be shortlisted on the basis of the form they fill online through the eRaksha portal.

Registration Open Now!

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