India Speaks Loud (में भारत बोल रहा हूँ ) Competitions for Students - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 20 May 2019

India Speaks Loud (में भारत बोल रहा हूँ ) Competitions for Students

TAXAB - Taxpayers Association of Bharat is organising a unique contest titled India Speaks Loud (में  भारत बोल रहा हूँ ) for the school and college students.
अधिक जनसंख्या के दुष्प्रभाव 


Students of Class 6 to 12 and college students can participate in the competition under three categories
1. Class 6 to 9th
2. Class 10 to 12th
3. Graduation and above


The following mediums are available for the students. All the entries should be in Hindi and English languages only
An individual can apply to one or all mediums limited to one submission per medium

Poster Design
All participants can handpaint or design a digital poster in portrait or landscape mode
Poster should be on A3 (11.7X16.5 inches) size
File size may not exceed 10MB
Participant will upload the file in JPG/JPEG format
Title and synopsis in 50 words about the poster is mandatory while uploading

Photo Contest
Photograph should be in portrait or landscape mode
File size may not exceed 10MB
Participant will upload the file in JPG/JPEG format
Title and synopsis in 50 words about the photo is mandatory while uploading

Video Contest
Video should not exceed 5 minutes
Participant will have to upload the video on their YouTube channel and will provide the link of that video in the submission form
Title and synopsis in 50 words about the video is mandatory while uploading
Entry should be in 1920x1080 resolution
Blog Contest
The blog should not exceed maximum 2500 words
File may not exceed 10MB
Participant will have to upload the file in PDF format
Title and synopsis in 50 words about the blog is mandatory while uploading
Fonts and font size should be Arial 14 size
Hindi fonts should be in Kruti Dev 10 size 14

Poetry Contest
The blog should not exceed maximum 250 words
File may not exceed 10MB
Participant will have to upload the file in PDF format
Title and synopsis in 50 words about the poem is mandatory while uploading
Fonts and font size should be Arial 14 size
Hindi fonts should be in Kruti Dev 10 size 14


First Prize: Rs. 1 lakh+certificate + trophy + gift vouchers
Second Prize: Rs. 50000 +certificate + trophy + gift vouchers
Third Prize: Rs. 25000 +certificate + trophy + gift vouchers
Consolation Prize: Rs. 10000 +certificate + trophy + gift vouchers

Last Date:June 10, 2019

The entries of shortlisted candidates will be exhibited on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of World Population Day from July 11 to July 14 in New Delhi

For further details and submission of your entries visit

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