Brill Essay Writing Contest 2019 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Friday, 22 March 2019

Brill Essay Writing Contest 2019

Winners announced. Click here to see the list of winners


This contest is not just for students. It’s for anyone who’s inspired to write an essay. The age and place of living don’t matter.

*The admission fee is FREE of charge.

First place: $500
Second place: $350
Third place: $150
We’ll also publish the best essays on our blog, crediting their authors. If you’re looking for a job as a writer or you maintain (or plan to start) your own blog, you’ll benefit from the exposure.

Your essay should be from 600 to 800 words long.
Your content should be 100% unique and plagiarism-free. All sources must be properly referenced.
The accepted formats are .doc, .docx, and .pdf.
We only accept essays written in English.
Choose from These 5 Topics
Your Biggest Achievement In School/College Years
Life Skills That Everybody Needs to Learn
What Factors  Influence a Person's Choice of Profession and Why
The Most Inspiring Story That You've Ever Heard
The Writers and Their City: Cities as Inspiration in Literature
You can send multiple entries, as long as they are on different topics. But keep in mind that you can’t get more than one prize on this contest. We’ll award three different participants.

How to Submit Your Entry
Send your essay as an attachment in an email message. The email address is to email . Please use “Essay for Brill Contest” as the subject line!

In the body of the message, please include your name, surname, country, age, and occupation.

The deadline for the submission is June 30, 2019 by 11:59 PST at the latest.

Announcement of the winners on July 25, 2019 on our blog.

Click here to visit the organiser's website


  1. Where can i see results of this essay competition

  2. Has result of the brill essay writing competition announced??

  3. Checked the Brill Assignment's blog...couldn't find the result...could u pls write down the link in which the result would be published..

  4. Is the result for contest out ? And where could i find it ?

    1. Winners announced. See link on top for results


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