CBSE Expression Series 2015-16 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Friday, 3 July 2015

CBSE Expression Series 2015-16

CBSE Expression Series is a ‘Writing Series’ initiated by CBSE in August 2014 as part of various activities conducted by the Board for the holistic development of students. For the year 2015-16, the ‘CBSE Expression Series’ are beginning from July 2015 onwards. The ‘Expression Series’ shall focus not only on the contribution of great leaders of India but also on several important issues related to women, society (both rural and urban) and nation. The details of the ‘Expression Series’ are as follow:
 The Series will be conducted on the second Friday and Saturday of the month.
 Topics will be uploaded on on the second Wednesday of the month.
 Entries, in form of Essays and Poems, can be submitted by students through online and offline link
provided on or through mobile application.
 Students may submit their entries from schools as well as home.
 Entries can be submitted from 9.00 A.M. to 5.30P.M. on both the days.
 Students may express their thoughts and ideas in any of the 22 scheduled languages and English.
 Selection will be based on originality and creativity. Students shall be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.
 The final winners shall be selected from three class categories, i.e. classes 1st to 5th, Classes 6th to 8th and classes 9th to 12th.
 An award of Rs. 2500/- will be given to the winners after submitting a bona-fide certificate from
 The winners shall be given a ‘Certificate of Merit’ and all participants shall get an online ‘Certificate of Participation’.
 The winning entries will be compiled in a book/e-book for wider sharing of ideas and thoughts.
 The details of submission of entries are given at Annexure I, II, III & IV.
 To cater to the need of schools where the internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a
registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV), which may be downloaded, printed, photocopied for
distributing to participants. After completion of activity, schools/ participants are required to scan it
and send it to the links provided on or through the mobile application.

Students (participants) may login by clicking on the relevant category
For Classes 1 to 5 : Click Here
For Classes 6 to 8 : Click Here
For Classes 9 to 12 : Click Here

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