All Kerala Hindi Youth Festival - अखिल केरल हिन्दी युवजनोत्सव 2015 Competitions for school college students - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 9 February 2015

All Kerala Hindi Youth Festival - अखिल केरल हिन्दी युवजनोत्सव 2015 Competitions for school college students

Organised by Hindi Prachara Sabha, Vazhuthakadu, Thiruvananthapuram

Who can participates
Students of School/Higher Secondary/Hindi Vidyalaya/College in Kerala

The Competitions

Date: 21-22 February 2015

Senior Category (Class Higher Secondary and College)
  1. Essay Writing
  2. Elocution
  3. Short Story
  4. Poetry
  5. Quiz
  1. Mono-act (5 minutes)
  2. Light music (5 minutes)
  3. Patriotic Song (5 minutes)
Junior Category (Class 6-10)
  1. Essay Writing
  2. Elocution
  3. Poem Recitation
  1. Mono-act (5 minutes)
  2. Light music (5 minutes)
  3. Patriotic Song (5 minutes)

Sub-Junior Category (Class 1-5)
  1. Calligraphy
  2. Poem Recitation
The Head of the Institution should submit the list of participants to the Secretary, Kerala Hindi Prachara Sabha, Vazhuthakadu, Thiruvananthapuram - 695014 by 16 February 2015
The participants should reach the venue before 09:30 am on the date of competition.
Only one team from an institution can participate in one item 

Certificate and prizes will be distributed on 22 February at 03:00 pm.

Details contact: Secretary, Kerala Hindi Prachara Sabha, Vazhuthakadu, Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: 9447045903,  2329200
e-mail: khpsabha[at]

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