CBSE Expression Series on 'Subramania Bharati: The Poet Patriot' - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

CBSE Expression Series on 'Subramania Bharati: The Poet Patriot'

CBSE  announced one day Expression Series on ‘Subramania Bharati: the poet and patriot ’on 11th December , 2014. Subramania Bharati was a firm believer in the philosophy that all beings are one and the same, and in unity with God – therefore, they are all equal. Bharati, while fighting for India’s freedom from British rule, simultaneously worked towards eradicating social problems such as religious and caste differences, superstitions, inequality between men and women, ignorance, and poverty.

This Expression series is open to all schools affiliated to CBSE or any recognised state board across the country. Students in three categories , namely i) Classes I-V, ii)Classes VI-VIII and iii)Classes IX-XII can submit their self –composed poems through the following modes :i) Online ii)Offline (links will be provided on 10th December 2014 on iii)Whatsapp (see Annexure I). Topics shall be announced one day in advance.Entries can be submitted on 11th December 2014 from 9.00am to 5.30pm. in English and in 22 scheduled languages. 36 best entries will be rewarded with a cash prize of 2500/-. All participants with valid email ids will be given participation certificates.
In case an entry is found to be plagiarised at any stage, the entry will be disqualified. There will be a telephonic/ face-to-face interaction with the prospective winners to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted. Entries not in prescribed format will be summarily rejected. No correspondence will be entertained on the selection of best entries.
In case of any query, you may contact 011-23212603/23234324/23220154

Process flow for Offline Submission using Mobile Phones
Schools are required to photocopy the response sheet given and distribute among the students interested in participating the series to fill in details.
All participants willing to participate may refer to following instructions:
Participants may submit entries as Poem.
Download the Registration cum Response Sheet and fill in all the fields given in the form. Write your
name and complete school address before you start writing
Ensure that you have filled all the fields given in the form before writing.
Click a photograph of your entry and upload on WhatsApp at 07042745234 or Scan the
image and upload on WhatsApp at 07042745234

1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
2. Entries should not exceed 5MB in any format.
4. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
5. The entries/ writings must be original.
6. If at any stage the entries submitted are proven to be plagiarized or are without the registration details,the entry will be disqualified.
7. Plagiarism, if detected at any point of time, will lead to withdrawal of the prize.
8. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however the entries submitted must be in their own language.
9. The decision of panel of experts will be final and no further communication will be entertained on the selected entries.

Click here for the notification & response sheet

CBSE Expression series on ‘Subramania Bharati: The Poet Patriot’
Topics for Poems
Classes I-V ( any one of the following in 250 words)
Subramania Bharati: the poet patriot!
 My country my pride!

Classes VI-VIII ( any one of the following in 500 words)
 I love my land!
And thus spoke Subramania Bharati …

Classes IX-XII ( any one of the following in 1000 words)
Subramania Bharati :the crusader for the underprivileged!
You are my inspiration!
 Beautiful Bharat!

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