Bharath Cycle Design Challenge (BCDC) - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Bharath Cycle Design Challenge (BCDC)

AICTE, India is organizing a Bharath Cycle Design Challenge 2023 on the occasion of World Cycle Day 2023.

The competition is open to students of Technical Institutions in India approved by AICTE. 

a) Each team should be led by a designated Team Leader.
b) Team Leader will be the primary contact person for communication with the AICTE and is responsible for submitting the design entry on behalf of the team.
c) Teams should consist of 3 to 5 members.
Roles and Responsibilities:
a) Team Leader should coordinate and delegate responsibilities among team members.
b) Each team member should contribute their expertise and actively participate in the design process.
c) Collaboration and effective communication within the team are crucial for a successful submission.
Design Submission:
a) Team Leader is responsible for submitting the complete design entry on behalf of the team.
b) The submission should include all required elements, such as 2D and 3D models, technical specifications, and the Bill of Materials (BOM).
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi

The competition will offer prizes for winners, which will be communicated before or during the competition.
Four teams will be shortlisted for the final event in each category i.e., there shall be a total of 16 teams for the grand finale.
Shortlisted teams may be connected to the AICTE Idea labs located across the country for facilitating their design and manufacturing.
AICTE will provide an amount of Rs. 40,000/- (Forty Thousand Rupees only) per team to all 16 short-listed teams as seed money for prototype development, design and fabrication purpose.
For the winners in each category, an amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- (One Lakh Rupees only) shall be provided as Prize money. (Only for 1st prize winners in each category)
Certificate of Appreciation shall be provided to the remaining teams who qualified for the grand finale.

Last Date for Participants 15 July, 2023

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