Eco State poster competition 2023 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Eco State poster competition 2023

What does an “ecological country” mean for you and how to fight for such a great idea against corrupted political structures? How can a country be greener and more careful about its natural environment and how to force those in power to fulfil the green agenda?

“Ecologycal Country” a new themed competition that is a part of the World Biennial of Student Poster, organized by the University of Novi Sad and the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. It is open to all undergraduate and graduate students of art colleges where the discipline of poster art is a part of the curriculum.

Subject: “Ecologycal Country”.
Only students at academies and colleges of arts where the discipline of poster art is part of the curriculum have the right to participate at the competition. One can take part with three posters at most.

Poster entries MUST be submitted via this website as digital files, using the online ENTRY FORM. Through the electronic submission process, an entry form and labels will be automatically generated. Information on the entry form will be used in the exhibition’s catalog and other Biennial publications.

All posters must be submitted digitally through this Web site, using the online ENTRY FORM.
Convert your Poster files to meet these condition:
JPG - quality 10, RGB - 8 Bits/channel, 3900 pixels on the longer side
The file size must not exceed 12 MB
DO NOT SEND PRINTED COPIES. The WBESP will make print-outs for jury review, as well as exhibition prints of winning posters.
There is no entry fee to the Biennial competition.
Each student can participate with three (3) posters.

1st prize ……. €1000
2nd prize ……. €600
3rd prize ……. €300

All entries must be received by 15th July 2023, 23:59 CET.

There is no entry fee


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