BIODIVERSITY SHORT FILM CONTEST · 2021 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Friday, 30 April 2021


FIIN - Festival Internacional de Imagem de Natureza (International Nature Image Festival)
The main objective of the Short Film contest is to promote the biological natural heritage, namely the natural regions, the ecosystems, the habitats and the species of wild fauna and flora, through the selection and classification of cinematographic works related to this subject. It also aims to promote cinematography of nature and promote its growth and development, as well as launching the debate and reflection of society on the need to knowing, promoting and conserving the biodiversity and the environment.

Participation in the Short Film Contest is open to all.

The Jury of this contest is composed of 5 people of recognized merit in the subjects of the Festival.

The Organizing Entities of the Contest are the Town Hall of Vila Real.

– The following works will be accepted:
a) Cinematographic works like: animations, documentaries, fiction, experimental
films and music videos in digital format;
b) Cinematographic works of national and international origin;
c) With a duration of between 5 and 28 minutes;
d) Works that obey the subject and the objectives defined in the number 1 of the
article 1 of this regulation.
 – The cinematographic works to be submitted to the contest can be narrated in any
language, but it is mandatory to include subtitling in the English language, except for the
works narrated in the Portuguese language.

Registration and submission of cinematographic works
1 – Participation in the Short Film Contest is free of charge.
2 – To participate in the Short Film Contest, an electronic registration must be done on
the form available on the official website of the Festival (, as well as the
inclusion of all elements and files requested on this platform.
3 – Failure to complete the registration form mentioned in the previous point is a reason
for exclusion from the Contest.
4 – The cinematographic works are submitted through the external platforms Festhome,
Click For Festivals, Movibeta, FilmFreeway and FilmFestivalLife or through platforms
with Vimeo and Youtube viewing link.

 A prize of € 4,000.00 (four thousand euros) will be awarded to the Short Film best classified by the Jury of the Competition.

The deadline for competitors to submit the cinematographic works to the contest is  June 30, 2021.

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