Senior Level
– Rs 40,000+ 1 Year Legend subscription from Practically, Trophy and Certificate + BGauss A2 Electric Scooter
1st Runners up - Rs 30,000+ 70% Voucher of Practically Subscription, Trophy and Certificate+ Cash Voucher worth Rs.20,000 along with goodies from BGAUSS
2nd Runners up – Rs 20,000+ 50% Voucher of Practically Subscription, Trophy and certificate+ Cash Voucher worth Rs.10,000 along with goodies from BGAUSS
Junior Level
Winner – Rs 40,000+ 1 Year Legend subscription from Practically, Trophy and Certificate
1st Runners up - Rs 30,000+ 70% Voucher of Practically subscription, Trophy and Certificate
2nd Runners up – Rs 20,000+ 50% Voucher of Practically Subscription, Trophy and Certificate
Times Inter-School Quiz is open to students of Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai and adjoining areas for both Junior and senior categories.
This event is designed on a Lone-Wolf (Individual Participation) on a single Login, One Time play format only. Multiple Login/multiple play is not allowed.
Preliminary round will be hosted on this website (From the Login section) for all registered participants. Registration can be done by clicking on the “Registration” tab available on the landing page.
Upon completion of registration an Email will be auto sent to the chosen Emailof participants containing the Login id. and Password. Login id. will be the Email id. itself whereas the password will be auto generated. Please check your Email inbox (along with spam/Junk) to locate the auto-sent Email. Receiving the Email is proof of successful registration and without the Login credentials participants will not be able to take part in the contest.
Registered participants will play the preliminary round only ONE TIME,from a single device any day during the course of the contest which will be hosted from 31st December 2020- 31st January 2021. Participants can register and play the quiz on the same day or can register on a particular day while play the quiz on a different date. In either case participants can play only ONE Time.
All participants are advised to use an updated device of modern make (Laptop/tablet/Mobile phones) along with stable internet connection (Wifi/broadband recommended) and modern browser (Chrome or similar).
Participants should be extra careful to fulfill all necessary requirements as stated in clause no. 6 as failing any such requirement may lead to a Logout or device getting hung.In case any participant gets inadvertently logged out at any stage of the game after the login procedure his/her participation will be forfeited and replay or re-login not allowed under any circumstances.
To reiterate all participants will be allowed to login ONLY ONCE and Play the quiz only ONE TIME.
Total of 20 Multiple-choice questions have to be answered in 20 Minutes or lesser.
There is no negative marking hence participants are encouraged to attempt all 20 questions. Participants cannot skip any question.
Total Score of Individuals will be visible after answering the last question (20th Question).
If a participant gets logged out before completing the full quota of 20 questions (for any reason eg. Hung device, Session time out, low network bandwidth etc.) the participant will be scored till the last question before getting logged out.
High Scores do not guarantee qualification to the next phase. Leaderboard is decided on number of correct answers in least possible time. In case of multiple participants on the same score higher ranking will be determined by the faster submission time.
Top 100 participants from each of the 3 cities in both Junior and Senior categories will qualify for the Next Phase ( Quarter Finals) which will be hosted on the Practically app. Details of the Quarter final will be shared to the qualifiers in due course.
Leaderboard with names of Top 100 qualifiers from each city for both Junior and senior category will be published on the website under the “Leaderboard” tab by 2nd February-2021.
In case of any queries related to Login alone our chat box is available to resolve such issues on all days between 11 AM -6 PM from 30th December to 31st January 2021.

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