The Green Crescent organizes the International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest to raise awareness and draw the attention of people in the world, in our country, and especially young people to addictions. The contest, the 6th of which will be held this year, will include cartoonists from all over the world who will convey to society the touching messages they create with a trace of humor between the lines.
The Contest’s Theme: “Breaking Free of Addiction”
The theme of the cartoon contest is decided; “Breaking Free of Addiction”. We aim that through our cartoonist’s work on this theme, we will raise awareness against the alcohol, cigarette, substance, gambling, and technology addictions that harm the health of our people, prevent them from spending quality time, and cause them to break away from social life. We want the power and impact of healthy living to be shared with the world and with youth worldwide through the eyes of cartoonists. In order to increase the participation of young people in the contest, the "Under 16" category was added this year.
Last Date: 31 January 2022
A first prize of 12,500 TRY, a second prize of 10,000 TRY and a third prize of 7,500 TRY will be given to the producers of the best entries. Moreover, three entries will receive excellence awards of 3,500 TRY, and one will be selected for the “Mazhar Osman Award”, also for 3,500 TRY.
All award winning artists will be given a plaque and travel and accommodation costs will be covered.
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