WEB-A-THON (A NATIONAL LEVEL VIRTUAL-HACKATHON - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Saturday, 28 November 2020


In this hackathon, try to use web to hack into real world problem to solve them better. It's a 24–72 hours product making competition where every team needs to develop a product from scratch during those pretty hours. A team size can vary from 2–6 depending on the organization who is organizing it.

This WEB-A-THON is usually a coding competition that can last upto 48 hours where software programmers, developers, designers, etc. come together to build and design something innovative and productive.

The WEB-A-THON is a virtual national-level hackathon in which you will be provided with a set of real-life problems and you have to provide a solution for the same. It is a great platform to showcase your hidden talent and skills.

10:00 AM- 10:30 AM

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Idea Pitch Round

7:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Idea Implementation
Level of innovation
Market Adaptibility
Only Top 50% teams will be qualified for next round.

You can participate as solo or your can make the team in range of 2 to 5.
The entire WEB-A-THON team knew very little when they each attended their very first hackathon. It’s entirely irrelevant what your experience is going into a hackathon, it’s more about your interest in technology. Every WEB-A-THON Member is passionate about making their hackathons very welcoming and beginner-friendly.


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