Re-Think Dupont Circle Architecture Competition - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students


Sunday, 4 October 2020

Re-Think Dupont Circle Architecture Competition

Building on the success of our first international competition, the Dupont Underground is launching a second competition: Re-Think Dupont Circle. One of the key public spaces in Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s famous urban plan for the nations capital, Dupont Circle was not built out until the late 19th century and has not seen a significant redesign since the 1940’s when the automobile was ascendant. 

The competition covers the immediate urban area of Dupont Circle (the exact scope is at the discretion of each participant) and takes place at two scales — macro and micro  — that must be interwoven through concept and design. Encourage entrants to thoroughly read and research the history of the Dupont Circle.

This portion calls for entrants to speculate how Dupont Circle can be re-designed as a contemporary urban space.  As a landmark within the city and common meeting place for residents, we ask entrants to speculate on potential new urban scenarios which facilitate social exchange, community activities both day and night, public protest, and free citizen interaction so critical to healthy, democratic life.

The “Micro” element of the competition focuses on the space over the main entry stair to the Dupont Underground on 19th Street and it’s immediate surroundings. This stair entry design is to become a landmark within This stair entry design is to become a landmark for Dupont Circle and a “proof-of-concept” for the other seven stair entries that could ultimately frame the Circle in a further series of competitions. 

Registration opens: August 20, 2020
Submissions deadline: December 4, 2020
Jury Review: January 11 – 18, 2021
Finalist Notification: January 22, 2021
Winner Announment: February 15, 2021

First Place: US $3,500

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