Design a Logo for Yuva Tourism Club - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Friday, 17 February 2023

Design a Logo for Yuva Tourism Club

India is undergoing rapid and concurrent economic, demographic, social and technological shifts. We need to ensure that this growth is inclusive and is shared by all sections of the society. India will not be able to realize its true growth potential if its youth is not able to participate adequately and productively in its economy.

Our youth population has capability of being a competent workforce in every field as well as a potential consumer with increasing expectations. In view of this demographic dividend that India has, it is essential to educate and generate interest in these young hearts towards India’s glorious natural, cultural & built heritage through tourism. With this intent, under the India@75 campaign, which is focused towards “Youth Tourism”, Ministry of Tourism launches “YUVA Tourism Clubs”.

These Clubs would be ‘of the youth, by the youth, for the youth’ would help in developing tourist from young age itself. Our Youth would be young ambassadors of Tourism. Experiences shared by the youth shall further encourage their friends and family to undertake travel. These young and energetic minds would provide unbiased feedback which would help us in improving ourselves and in meeting their expectations.

On the other hand, the Clubs would also help us to create awareness about tourism opportunities at an early stage. It would help to educate youth about diverse cultural heritage and natural geographies of the country, propagate responsible tourism practices, appreciate the importance of travel and tourism in education and would train students as skilled professionals in hospitality / tourism sector.

In view of this Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with MyGov is hosting a logo design competition for Yuva Tourism Club for the young minds.

Details of the award - Rs. 1 lakh cash prize

Submission Deadline - 1st March,2023

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