Quiz on One Nation One Ration Card Plan - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Quiz on One Nation One Ration Card Plan

Quiz on One Nation One Ration Card Plan
Start Date : 28 Apr 2021, 1:50 pmEnd Date : 31 May 2021, 5:00 pm

To commemorate 75 Years of India’s Independence as part of the ongoing ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India in partnership with United Nations World Food Programme is conducting this Quiz competition on ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ (ONORC) plan.

As part of the “Prime Minister’s Technology Driven System Reforms under the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, the One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) plan for nation-wide portability of the ration cards under National Food Security Act (NFSA) aims to empower all NFSA beneficiaries, particularly migrant beneficiaries, to become self-reliant (AatmaNirbhar) for their food-security anywhere in the country by allowing them to seamlessly access their PDS/NFSA foodgrains from any Fair Price Shop (FPS) of their choice anywhere in the country through their same/existing ration card.

In erstwhile Public Distribution System (PDS), where ration cards are typically tagged to nearby FPSs, the migrant beneficiaries, or households, often lose their access to subsidized NFSA food grains when they migrate to other places. Further, since the ration cards are tagged to particular FPSs and dealers have assured footfall of beneficiaries, this often adversely affected the quality of service and beneficiary satisfaction.

The ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ plan address the above difficulties and empowers all beneficiaries under NFSA, to seamlessly lift their foodgrains from any FPS of their choice. Operationally, the migrant beneficiaries desirous of lifting their foodgrains through portability, may simply walk-in to any ePoS enabled FPS of choice in the ONORC enabled States/UTs and quote or present either their ration card number or seeded Aadhaar number to access their entitlements after biometric authentication on a ePoS device.

In August 2019 the ONORC was rolled out in the form of inter-State portability of ration cards in 4 States. Since then, progressively within a short span of time, the national portability of ration cards under One Nation One Ration Card plan is now seamlessly available in 32 States/UTs enabling about 69 Crore beneficiaries (86% NFSA population) to access their NFSA foodgrains anywhere in these States/UTs. Further, it is targeted to integrate remaining 4 States/UTs (Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Assam, and West Bengal) with One Nation One Ration Card cluster soon, depending upon their achieving requisite technical readiness.

On average about 1.5 to 1.6 Crore monthly portability transaction under ONORC are being recorded in States/UTs on a monthly basis, and since August 2019 when the ONORC was first rolled out, a cumulative total of nearly 23 Crore portable TPDS transactions have been carried out all over the country, including both inter-State and intra-State (inter-district/ intra-district) portability of ration cards.

In order to further promote the ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ (ONORC) plan amongst migrant NFSA card holders, DoFPD and State Governments are engaged in giving widespread publicity to ONORC through mass awareness campaigns. It is expected that this quiz competition becomes a medium for engaging citizens of the country who would further spreads the awareness about ONORC amongst needy migrant labours.

To understand more about One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) Plan, participants may go through guidelines/ instructions issued on One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) Plan available in Department Website (https://dfpd.gov.in/), Central portals (https://nfsa.gov.in, https://annavitran.nic.in and http://impds.nic.in/portal) and ‘Mera Ration” Mobile Application available in Google Play store.


First Prize: (1 Contestant) INR 20,000 + e-certificate.
Second Prize: (3 Contestants) INR 10,000 + e-certificate each
Third Prize: (5 Contestants) INR 5,000 + e-certificate each
Consolation prize: (5 contestants): Only e-Certificate
The quiz shall close at 17:00 hrs (IST) on 31st May 2021.

The selection of the performers will be based on the –

Correct answers received for the questions.
The fastest completion of the quiz, furnishing the correct answers.
All participants will be given digital Certificate of Participation.

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