StoryMirror Knit A Tale What Now? - Writing Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 26 April 2021

StoryMirror Knit A Tale What Now? - Writing Contest

Are you ready to write but don’t know what to write about? Prepare to kick your writing into gear by browsing through the prompt. It's time to  ignite imaginations, evoke emotions and capture your creativity.

StoryMirror in collaboration with Knit A Tale presents "What Now?" writing contest, an opportunity to flex your writing wings.

So start penning down your creativity!!


"It was the same routine every single night. Or at least for the last 78 nights. Drink warm milk with a teaspoon of sugar. Brush my teeth. Make sure the curtains are closed all the way to the very end (no gaps, thank you!). Moisturise. My pillow fluffed just the right amount. Set a redundant alarm for 6am. Close my eyes. Go to sleep.

All for what? I open my eyes to see it is 3:13am, every single night!

Every night in that moment, all I hear is silence. The silence is so loud, I barely hear my pounding heart. An eerie feeling creeps over me as I see through the (now open) curtains, the ice glazes over the windows from the sudden cold. A smell wafts through. One that is so familiar. I know what it is, I have definitely smelt it before, yet I cannot name it. All these days, I have never been able to remember it. I have tried day after day, night after night, still zilch. What now....?"


You can submit your content on the prompt mentioned in the next tab.
There are no restrictions on genre.
Winners will be decided based on editorial scores.
Participants should submit their original content. There is no limit to the number of content you submit.
There is no word limit.
Any submission made over email or as hard copy or without using the contest link will not be eligible for entry.
There is no participation fee.
Your participation certificates are available in your profile under certificate section.






All participants will receive a participation certificate.
Top 30 stories will be published as an ebook.
Winner certificates to all the winners.
Selected entries will be published on
Submission period: 24 April 2021 to 24 May 2021

Result: June 30, 2021

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