Pan-India Students’ Design Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 26 April 2021

Pan-India Students’ Design Contest

SEA and ISEA are jointly organizing a Pan India Students’ Design Contest for Undergraduate and Post Graduate students primarily from technical campuses in India. The contest will allow students to use their technical knowledge in solving problems related to sports. There are attractive prizes and participation certificates. First prize £ 200, Second prize £ 150, Third prize £ 100, Three consolation prizes each £ 50.

The contest is aimed at attracting the most creative minds in the field of engineering for finding
innovative solutions to contemporary problems in the sports domain.
This is an opportunity to develop a novel proof of concept to a
sports engineering challenge. 

Registration and submission by
June 16th 2021
Submission material: A single pdf file
July 1st 2021
Announcement & ecertificate
Final submission
August 16th 2021
Submission material: Final pdf report & a Power Point
The Problem statement: Pick your favorite sports, identify a key challenge element in the same in terms of either of the three areas listed below, research about the present status and existing solutions, device your novel solution and proof of concept, articulate nicely using the format provided and submit.
1. Technology for decision making
2. Sports performance enhancement
3. Athlete safety, injury prevention

Detailed Guidelines Document
It is highly recommended that you go through the Detailed Guidelines document carefully before participating.

Contestants can form a team of 2-4 members with an identified team leader and must register themselves online on or before the closing date of registration. One member team is also permitted. A team can have a mentor from faculty or alumni member of the same institute/university. 
A student can be a Team lead for only one team. The participants from each team must be students currently enrolled for a degree program in a single campus of an Indian University / Institute§. Team members should be from multiple disciplines, including both boys and girls. A team may choose to have a maximum of two mentors, in such case, one each from faculty and alumni. The faculty must be a full-time faculty member at the same campus of the university/institute. The Alumna / Alumnus should have graduated not more than 5 years prior from the same campus of the university/institute. Any individual who is registered as a team mentor cannot participate in the competition as a student.

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