IEEE YESIST 12 : International Talent Show for Students - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

IEEE YESIST 12 : International Talent Show for Students

IEEE YESIST 12 (YOUTH ENDEAVOURS FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION USING SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY) (formerly SS12) is an international talent show for the students and young professionals to showcase their innovative ideas to solve humanitarian and social issues affecting directly the community around them.

To instill social responsibility and ethics as a continuing education in the young minds through activities and encourage service oriented engineering practice.

 The theme now aligns with the Social innovation for sustainable technology and the format includes four tracks.


Innovation challenge SS12 is an international project competition and maker fair established by IEEE Srilanka Section and IEEE Education Society to acknowledge innovative minds that address social issues across the globe with ingenious solutions.

This exceptional platform conducts competition in two stages, The preliminary stage is conducted across Asian countries and the team that tops the round wins a chance to compete globally to address social issues like Poverty, Famine, Disaster Management and First Aid, Special Needs, Women Safety, Healthcare or Literacy with the assistance of inventive technologies.

Apply before 14 April

A Maker Fair is a celebration of innovators, makers, doers coming together to showcase their products to the local community. All types of makers like Tech enthusiasts, Crafters, Tinkerers, Hobbyists, Industries and other organizations, clubs and forums, authors, artists, students and entrepreneurs are welcome to the Maker Fair.

Teams with passion of doing innovative things and showcasing their projects/products to the international community are invited register for this event.

Fresh minds cater for fresh innovations in the domains untouched and for the issues unresolved. We invite students with curious minds to explore the possibility of becoming Einstein.
 School students will be invited to show their interest in engineering by displaying their innovative ideas to address social issues. Evaluation will be on the basis of initiative to select a real world issue and finding a feasible solution, details of the solution and ability to answer the questions of the jury.
Team size:  Maximum of 4 members.
Age of the participant should be <17. Proof for the same shall be submitted.(Bonafide letter from school or birth certificate)

Deadline : 15 June

Who can Participate?
It is an exciting opportunity for High School and Pre-University Students to showcase their inventions/innovations in a global arena through ‘Junior Einstein Track’. Students with interest and passion towards helping humanity are invited to register themselves for the competition. The first round of the competition is to be held all over the world in the pilots selected on the basis of registration. The winning teams will be called for the final round held during 7th and 8th September @ Stamford International University, Thailand.

The World Bank recently started “South Asia Gender and Energy” (SAGE) initiative with a plan to establish a “Women in Power Sector Network in South Asia (WePOWER)” to promote women engineers and practitioners in the energy and power sector, and bring normative change regarding women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education.

Special Track aims at bringing out the innovative solutions to solve issues of mankind, on a global scale. It is the recently added track in YESIST12 during its 2020 edition and focused on health and disaster management. In 2021, Special Track targets on providing solutions to more challenges faced by every individual on the planet. Novel ideas, creative proposals with interesting presentations are rewarded and appreciated.

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