Children's World Story Writing Competition - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Children's World Story Writing Competition

As India celebrates 75 years of Independence on August 15, 2022, here is an opportunity for you to get your story published in the August 2022 issue of the magazine on the theme:

India a Land of Unity in Diversity

This topic is as vast as our country. In India people belonging to different religions, cultures, castes and sects live in peace and harmony with each other. They celebrate different festivals yet there are some similarities in their timing and nature of festivities that make us realize there is unity in diversity. There are more than a thousand languages and dialects spoken in our country, yet alikeness in their nuances and usages highlight we are one. The idea of the competition is to educate children about the various aspects of our culture through stories so that they have respect for not only their own culture but also learn to appreciate others’.
You could win the following prizes:
First Prize: `1000/-
Second Prize: `700/-
Third Prize: `500/-
Three Consolation Prizes: `400/- each

1. This competition is for individuals above 18 years of age.
2. Each participant can submit only one original story in ENGLISH. Translations from other
languages will not be considered.
3. The maximum word limit of the story must not exceed 500 words.
4. Only typed story will be considered.
5. The story must carry a declaration that it is an original and unpublished work of the writer.
All the personal details like name, age, postal address, mobile number and e-mail address
must clearly be mentioned at the end of the story.
6. The story must only be sent by post to Editor, Children’s World, Nehru House,
4, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002.
7. The last date for receipt of stories is June 30, 2022.
8. The stories will be judged by a Jury and the Jury’s verdict will be final.

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