The Collins Perfect Maths League - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 1 November 2021

The Collins Perfect Maths League

Collins Learning India is organising The Collins Perfect Maths League in association with All India Ramanujan Maths Club, for students of classes 3 to 8 from 2 to 15 November 2021 

No registration fee

ROUND 1 - Qualifying Round for Zonals
2 November 2021, 5:00 to 5:30 pm
(Two links will be shared, one for Classes 3 to 5 and another for Classes 6 to 8)

Rules for Quiz
1. 2 students from a school (forming a team) can register for the quiz, using the registration links, for each category (of class 3-5 and classes 6-8). 
2. The first round will be an online quiz round. It would open to the registered teams on 2 November 2021 from 5:00 to 5:30 pm, for each category (of classes 3-5 and classes 6-8).  
3. The average of the combined marks (of the 2 students) will be considered for preparing the result.
4. The first round is a selection round. The best 6 teams (consisting of 2 students) will make to Round 2 (zonal level). 
5. Round 2 and the Grand finale are live rounds. 8 teams (2 top teams from each zone) will be selected for the Grand Finale to be held on 15 November 2021.

Syllabus of Exam
1. Group A - For students of Class 3 to 5
No specific syllabus is prescribed for the test but you can follow NCERT text book. Besides that some Mental Ability questions, Reasoning, Crypt Arithmetic,  Mathematical Poems, Mathematical Shapes and Mathematician identification will be included in the test.

2. Group B - For Student of Class 6 to 8
For syllabus Refer text book prescribed by NCERT. The test will include 25-30 questions from different topics on Mathematics, Mathematical reasoning, Crypt Arithmetic, Mathematical Shapes, Identify the Mathematicians, Mathematical films etc.

Mock Test
To have an idea of test you can take the test by clicking the following link. The mock test is a practice test and has nothing to do with the pattern of the FIRST ROUND test. Though this test has been designed to make you familiar with the pattern of the quiz.

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