Poster Making Contest - National Road Safety 2021 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 18 October 2021

Poster Making Contest - National Road Safety 2021

Posters as a type of visual art have become an important tool for advertising and promoting a plethora of causes. It is in fact a scientifically proven fact that posters have the potential to effectively expand knowledge, change attitudes and alter behaviors. When 17 lives are lost every passing hour in India owing to road crashes and close to 150 wild animals die due to the carelessness of the one on the driving seat, it would be a relevant measure to utilize the creative thinking and aesthetic skills of young artists across the nation especially in propagating the message of road safety to the masses.

In light of this, warm welcome to all the budding artists to participate in this Poster-Making competition and use your creative minds to create art that inspires. So, pick up your art supplies, turn on your graphic tablets and create breathtaking posters on the theme!

The theme for this event is the Good Samaritan Law.

Passed by the Supreme Court of India on 30th March 2016, The Good Samaritan Law aims to incentivize by-standers to rescue road crash victims within the golden hour by legally protecting their identities and civil liberties. According to the law, the police are prohibited from involving good Samaritans in investigation or compelling them into being eyewitnesses. They are not obligated to reveal their identity and are protected from civil and criminal charges. Moreover, hospitals are required to discharge first aid for free. With the rising rate of road crash mortality in India - 50% of which could have been prevented through timely rescue - this law becomes paramount in facilitating intervention by guaranteeing protection from harassment and legal hassles. Recently, the central government has also announced a reward of Rs 5000/- for Samaritans who save lives through rescue within the golden hour. This theme calls for diverse and creative responses, and the participants are encouraged to delve deep into areas including but not limited to the following while preparing for the event:

● kinds of injuries
● first aid tools
● emergency responses
● vehicles for rescue duties

The best 5* entries will receive Rs 5,000/- each.

1. Call for entries - 15 October, 2021
2. Last day for submission of entries - 15 November, 2021

1. Impact and relevance to theme
2. Ability to stand alone- The poster should be able to stand alone as a clear communication of the theme prescribed.
3. Overall Visual appeal
4. Legibility
5. Quality of graphic

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