The national Olympiad programme in science subjects culminating in the international Olympiads of 2022 has been disrupted by the COVID19 pandemic in the country. In view of the prevailing situation, the following decisions are announced.
In a departure from the usual three-stage procedure for the selection of the teams to represent India at the international Olympiads that has been followed in previous years, the selection procedure for the 2021-2022 cycle has been condensed to a two-stage process, similar to last year. The two stages in each subject will be:
A three-and-half hour two-part examination called the Indian Olympiad Qualifier (IOQ)
An Orientation-cum-Selection Camp (OCSC)
The IOQ in each subject will be a combination of two examinations, held in a single sitting for the examinee.
Part I: National Standard Examination (NSE): This will replace the standalone NSE of other years. The duration of this part will be 75 minutes and will consist of objective-type questions, similar in standard to the usual NSE. This part will be a screening examination for selective evaluation of the second part (INO) only and performance in this part will not play any role (except for possible tie-breaking scenarios) for the next level of selection (OCSC). This part of IOQ in different subjects will be called National Standard Examinations (NSEs) in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics: NSEA, NSEB, NSEC, NSEJS and NSEP, respectively.
Part II: Indian National Olympiad (INO): This will replace the standalone INO of other years. The duration of this part will be 120 minutes and will consist of detailed questions, similar in standard to the usual INO. This part will be evaluated only for students screened through the first part (NSE), and the selection for the next level (OCSC) will be determined solely by the performance in this part. This part of IOQ in different subjects will be called Indian National Olympiads (INOs) in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics: INAO, INBO, INChO, INJSO and INPhO, respectively.
The IOQ will be jointly organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), the Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences (ATBS) and the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) – HBCSE (TIFR). The academic responsibility of Part I: NSE will be borne by IAPT, ACT, and ATBS while that of Part II: INO will be borne by HBCSE. The remaining stages of the Olympiad programme will be carried out by HBCSE.
The tentative schedule of IOQ examinations is as under:
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Junior Science (IOQJS): 9 January 2022 (Sunday), 14:30 – 18:00 hrs
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Physics (IOQP): 16 January 2022 (Sunday), 9:00 – 12:30 hrs
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Biology (IOQB): 16 January 2022 (Sunday), 14:30 – 18:00 hrs
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Astronomy (IOQA): 23 January 2022 (Sunday), 9:00 – 12:30 hrs
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Chemistry (IOQC): 23 January 2022 (Sunday), 14:30 – 18:00 hrs
1. The actual examination time will be 75 minutes for Part I and 120 minutes for Part II in every
examination. There will be an interval of 15 minutes between the two parts of the examination.
2. Students will be allowed to leave the examination at the end of Part I of IOQ, if they so wish.
However, they will not be admitted to appear only in Part II.
3. This schedule is tentative, and is subject to change at short notice, depending on the prevailing situation in the country.
The programme for stages beyond IOQ will be announced at an appropriate later time.
Enrollment for IOQ 2021-2022:
Students are invited to directly register and enroll themselves online for the first stage (IOQ).
Eligibility criteria for enrollment in
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Astronomy (IOQA)
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Biology (IOQB)
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Chemistry (IOQC)
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Physics (IOQP)
ˆ Must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.
As per the orders of the Madras High Court, OCI students will NOT be eligible for selection
to the Indian team in the International Olympiads. However, such students are provisionally
eligible for selection at all prior stages, up to and including the OCSC (stage II), provided they
fulfill all other criteria. They are also provisionally eligible to write the selection tests at the
OCSC. This policy is subject to revision without prior notice depending on any further orders
issued by the courts, or by a competent government authority.
ˆ Date of birth between 1 July 2002 and 30 June 2007, both days inclusive.
ˆ Must be residing and studying in India since 30 November 2019 or earlier.
Must be studying in an Indian school system since 30 November 2019 or earlier.
ˆ Must be studying in class 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, and not have completed (or scheduled to complete)
class 12 board examination earlier than 30 November 2021.
ˆ Must not have commenced (or planning to commence) studies in a university or equivalent
institution by 1 June, 2022.
ˆ Must not be appearing in IOQJS 2021-2022.
Eligibility criteria for enrollment in Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Junior Science (IOQJS):
ˆ Must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.
As per the orders of the Madras High Court, OCI students will NOT be eligible for selection
to the Indian team in the International Olympiads. However, such students are provisionally
eligible for selection at all prior stages, up to and including the OCSC (stage II), provided they
fulfill all other criteria. They are also provisionally eligible to write the selection tests at the
OCSC. This policy is subject to revision without prior notice depending on any further orders
issued by the courts, or by a competent government authority.
ˆ Date of birth between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2008, both days inclusive.
ˆ Must be residing and studying in India since 30 November 2019 or earlier.
Must be studying in an Indian school system since 30 November 2019 or earlier.
ˆ Must be studying in class 8, 9, or 10, and not have completed (or scheduled to complete) class
10 board examination earlier than 30 November 2021.
ˆ Must not be appearing in any of IOQA, IOQB, IOQC or IOQP 2021-2022.
It is the student’s responsibility to determine if he/she satisfies the eligibility criteria.
If at some later stage it is found that the student does not meet the eligibility norms,
he/she may face immediate disqualification from the programme.
Dates for registration and enrollment: October 31, 2021.
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