Peter Drucker Challenge : International Essay Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students


Monday 3 June 2024

Peter Drucker Challenge : International Essay Contest

The Global Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest is an international essay competition held annually by the Drucker Society Europe


We hear from people of all ages that change in the world is very hard to understand—much less to manage—and is bound to get even more so. But they seem to have different trends in mind. What about you? Do you see a world going “crazy” and if so, in what way?
When you envision your own work and life ahead, are you worried by technological change—or is it geopolitical, societal, ecological, psychological/socio-emotional, or some other kind of disruption you wish you felt more prepared for?
In your essay, first tell us the greatest source(s) of turbulence you see ahead, then reflect on what kind of leadership that demands.
What capacities will you and your peers need more of to work together productively and navigate the turbulence?
Whether it’s  decision-making or systems-thinking faculties, or moral compass orientation or abilities to recognize and motivate talent, has your education  put enough emphasis on it?
If you could design the “next education” how would its focus change?

General requirements

You must be 18-35 years old (inclusive of both ages)
You are not a Drucker Challenge Laureate, nor have you participated in the Drucker Forum in this capacity before).
I.e. You are not a former winner/runner up/finalist of the Drucker Challenge.

> if you were previously a student (as per your application form) and are now embarking on a career at a university;

> if you were previously a student (according to your application form) and meanwhile moved on to become a manager or entrepreneur

Essay category requirements
You can submit one essay to participate as either a student or manager or entrepreneur. (Please mention your main occupation in the submission form)

Student category

You are a part-time or full-time student (Bachelors, Masters, MBA, or PhD) or you are seeking your first opportunity after the completion of your last degree

Professional category

You are a:
manager of people, projects, budgets, and/or processes
an entrepreneur or business owner
licensed professional
social volunteer or community leader
Keep to the essay

Words 1500 to 3000 (excluding footnotes and any graphics) as PDF or word document
Font size 12 points
Language English
Deadline May 31, 2024 at 16:00 CET (4:00 PM CET)


NO entry fees to be paid
Authors from all around the world are invited to submit their essays

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