Dealsshutter Scholarship - Essay Challenge - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students


Sunday 3 November 2019

Dealsshutter Scholarship - Essay Challenge

The biggest online retail deals and coupons company in the country, Dealsshutter, offers the students of the country who are either enrolled in college or a university any part of the world, a wonderful opportunity to get a scholarship and pursue their education.
Research carefully and write an essay of about 1000 words on any of the below mentioned topics. Punctuation and grammar should be very good.

You can choose any one of the below mentioned topics:

Describe a technology you cannot live without?

How to know you are on the right path?

How to make your future habits easy?

How to use Military strategy to build better habits?

Elaborate, creativity is a process not an event.

What I do when I feel like giving up?

Write something about Stop Thinking and Start doing, the power of practicing

How to overcome your fear when in the process of achieving your goal?

A different way of thinking about productivity.

How to reinvent yourself?

Scholarship topic will be updated every week. So please visit scholarship page for the latest topic updates.

Scholarship topic will be updated every week. So please visit scholarship page for the latest topic updates.

The applicant who would come up with an exclusive, and very well framed easily would win a reward of $ 500 scholarship.

The write ups would be judged by the editorial team of Dealsshutter.

The scholarship amount would be disbursed to the winner by annually, once at the beginning of the year and secondly at the middle of the year, through co payable cheques. The cheques would be sent to the college or the University of the Student.

1000 words original essay.

Open for all students attending college or university in any part of the world.
One student can submit one essay only
Copied content would be disqualified immediately.
There is no fee for entering the contest.
The winning amount will be sent directly to the college or the University of the Student in lieu of his or her next tuition fee.

The winning amount will be sent directly to the college or the University of the Student in lieu of his or her next tuition fee.

January 30th, 2020.

You can send your entries to in either of the below mentioned formats:

Microsoft Word for the PC users
TextEdit for the Mac users
Incomplete entries would be rejected immediately.

You need to send the below mentioned details:

Full name of the applicant
Photo of the applicant
Email ID
Full permanent address of the applicant
Postal Code
Contact number
Complete address of the college or the university the student is attending
Stream and the approximate date of passing out

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