Young Indian Contest 2020 - Competitions for Students - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 3 August 2020

Young Indian Contest 2020 - Competitions for Students

On the occasion of the 74th Independence Day of India, Wisdom Launch is organizing a National Level Competitions. Let us celebrate the history of our nation and show our tribute to those who sacrificed their lives to secure our liberty. We invite all the young citizens of India to participate and show your gratitude towards India's Independence by remembering our freedom fighters.

How to Participate
1. Register Yourself using the link at the end of this post.
2. Send photo(s) or video(s) with respect to the competition's rules to our Official Email ID ( or send us in Facebook Messenger / Instagram Direct with your registered Email ID and Participant's Name.

Common Instructions:
1. Strictly one image or video per participant for each competition under Young Indian Contest 2020. You can register and participate in any number of competitions under Young Indian Contest 2020.
2. Video(s) must be one shot without editing and not exceeding 5 minutes.
3. Language can be English or Tamil.
4. Entries should be done by kids.
5. No limitation to use any kind of puppetry in your video(s) if needed.
6. Image(s) or Video(s) must be original. However, there must be no border(s), text(s), logo(s), copyright marks, identifying marks, or any other visible references and/or marks on the video(s) or image(s), and does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the image(s) or Video(s).
7. The decision of the judging panel will be final.

 Drawing Competition (Age 3 to 14 years):
Theme for Age 3 to 5 years - National Symbols of India
Theme for Age 6 to 14 years - Indian Festivals, Indian leaders, Future of India, Human & Environment, and Unity in Diversity.
Send a clearly captured image of your drawing and participant holding his/her drawing, with theme, registered Email ID and Participant's Name.

Handwriting Competition (Age 3 to 8 years):
1. Message us and get the paragraph to be written.
2. No artistic handwriting allowed.
3. Use either lined or unlined paper.
4. Participants can use only pencil or ball point pen (Blue or Black Ink)
5. Write out the given paragraph on the front side of ONE sheet of paper with half inch margin on all sides.
6. From Age 3 to 5 years, write only first two sentences from a given paragraph and others must write the full given paragraph.

Speech Competition (Age 3 to 14 years):
Theme: National Leaders
From Age 3 to 5 years, Video length duration - 2 to 5 minutes.
From Age 6 to 14 years, Video length duration - 4 to 5 minutes.
Your speech must include answer for "What you must learn from that particular leader?"

Mono Acting (Age 5 to 14 years):
Theme: Patriotism
1. The participant is required to perform any act of given theme.
2. Video length duration - 2 to 5 minutes.
3. Obscenity and offensive gestures are strictly not allowed. You must not offend the feelings of any state, religion, country or the grounds such as racism or religion.

Rhymes Recitation (Age 3 to 6 years):
Theme: Songs or Rhymes written on/by National Leaders or any patriotic song excluding pledge and National Anthem allowed.
1. Participant will be judged on the basis of presentation, pronunciation, memory and confidence.
2. Video length duration - 2 to 5 minutes.

Fancy Dress Competition (Age 3 to 12 years):
Theme: Freedom Fighters of India or National Symbols of India
1. Participants need to submit one photograph and one performance video to describing about the character and closure.
2. Video length duration - 2 to 5 minutes.
3. The participant will be judged on the basis of the costume, dialogue delivery, memory and confidence.
4. Handmade improvisations are also allowed.

Mime Competition (Age 8 to 14 years):
Theme: Patriotism / Child Labor / Unity in Diversity
Video length duration - 2 to 5 minutes.

Fireless Cooking (Age 6 to 14 years):
1. Cooking with no microwave, oven or gas stove is allowed.
2. Making video length duration - 3 to 5 minutes.
3. You must say all ingredients needed for your recipe at starting of the video.
4. Participants need to submit one photograph of your dish along with making video.
5. The participant will be judged on the basis of ingredients used, recipe, time taken and presentation.

Wealth from Waste (Age 8 to 14 years):
Theme: Indian themed crafts
1. Participants need to submit one photograph of your craft along with making video.
2. Making video length duration - 3 to 5 minutes.
3. You must say all materials required for making your craft at starting of the video.
4. Material items must be a waste material from your home. Example: Newspaper, coconut shell, plastic bottles, tins, CDs etc.,
5. Other than waste materials such as glue / fevicol, pins, colors, lace, scissors, thread, etc., can be used to enhance and give the finishing of your art work.

Registration Form Link:

If interested to register the second participant, kindly send us an email with "Subject: Request to add second participant" with all required participant's details from your registered Email ID (Parent's Mobile Number, Participant's Full Name, Age, Grade, School, Country, Postal Code, Interested to participate in which competitions, Parental consent for uploading photo or video of your child's participation in our website and social media pages)

Due for Submission: August 15, 2020 11:59 PM IST

Note: All the participants will be awarded E-Certificate.


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