National Art Competition Season 2 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 17 February 2025

National Art Competition Season 2

Calling all young artists! Arts Maestro is thrilled to announce Season 2 of the National Art Competition for Students! This prestigious event provides a platform for talented student artists to showcase their creativity, passion, and artistic skills.

Who Can Participate?

This competition is open to all Indian citizens, including resident and non-resident students.

Competition Categories

  • Painting – Oil & Watercolours

  • Drawing

  • Sketching

Many great artists like Raja Ravi Verma, Jamini Roy, Amrita Sher Gill, and world-renowned masters like Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh began their artistic journeys at a young age. Now, it's your turn to shine!

Why Participate?

  • Get mentored by experts.

  • Gain national recognition.

  • Win exciting rewards.

  • Get featured in the Arts Maestro Portfolio.

  • Showcase your artwork on a national platform.

  • Participate in an exclusive mentorship program.

Exciting Rewards

Winners Prizes

🏆 1st Place

  • Youth: ₹4,000* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

  • Teens: ₹2,500* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

  • Tweens: ₹2,000* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

🏆 2nd Place

  • Youth: ₹3,000* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

  • Teens: ₹2,000* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

  • Tweens: ₹1,500* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

🏆 3rd Place

  • Youth: ₹2,000* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

  • Teens: ₹1,500* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

  • Tweens: ₹1,000* + Trophy + Vouchers + eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

🎨 4th - 10th Place

  • ₹500 + Medal + Vouchers + Winners Certificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

🎨 11th - 20th Place

  • ₹500 + Vouchers + Winners Certificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

🎨 21st - 30th Place

  • Vouchers + Winners Certificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase + Mentorship Program

🎨 For all Participants

  • eCertificate + Arts Maestro Portfolio + Artwork Showcase of shortlisted entries

(*Prizes may increase)

Special Awards for Schools

The Top 2 schools in each category that encourage the maximum number of student participants will receive the "Friends of Art" Trophy!

Enroll Today & Avail the Early Bird Offer!

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to showcase your talent, get mentored by experts, and win fabulous prizes!

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