MYGOV.IN CONSTITUTION QUIZ - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday 28 November 2019


On the occasion of the 70th anniversary year of the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, the Government of India has decided to launch a year-long nationwide programme of activities starting from the 26th November, 2019 to 26th November, 2020 focussed on Citizens Duties. The year-long activities aim to sensitise the citizens towards their duties to the nation, society and fellow citizens to make them conscious of their duties and become active participants in the progress of the nation.

The Indian Constitution is the world’s longest written constitution which provides an excellent framework for governing the world’s largest democracy. It nurtures the aspirations of its citizens, and is a true living Constitution in as much as it gives the widest possible amplitude for the realization of both individual liberties and desires and at the same time enforces the need for a collective growth and development. As we celebrate seventy years of this remarkable document for social, political and economic development which has informed almost every aspect of Indian life, it is important to create awareness amongst the Indian citizens about the Constitution and its special features, particularly Fundamental Duties, as enshrined in the Constitution. A Quiz Competition is being organised by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India in collaboration with MyGov to make all the citizens aware of their duties and follow them.

Terms and Conditions
The Quiz is being organized by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. 
The quiz shall open on November 26, 2019 at 10:00 hrs (1ST) and will close at 20:00 hrs (IST) on December 25, 2019.
 Entries received outside of these time/dates will not be valid. 
It is  a timed quiz. 
The quiz will be available for all contestants for the period of 5 minutes [300 seconds], in which they have to answer 20 multiple choice based questions. 
All the questions are available in both languages (Hindi and English), participants can switch over to any language they prefer to finish the quiz. 
These questions will be randomly picked from the question bank. 
Winners will be adjudged on the basis of maximum number of correct answers. 
In case of multiple participants having given same number of correct answers, the participants who take the least time to complete the quiz will be adjudged the winner. 
The quiz will start as soon as the participant clicks the Start Quiz button. Entry into the Quiz is open to all entrants who are residents of India or are of Indian origin. 
You will be required to provide your name, email address, telephone number and postal address. 
By submitting your contact details you will give consent to these details being used for the purpose of the Quiz. 
Once submitted an entry cannot be withdrawn. 
One entrant can participate only once. 
Multiple entries from the same entrant will not be considered and will be discarded. 
Organizers will not accept any responsibility for entries that are lost, are late or incomplete or have not been transmitted due to computer error or any other error beyond the organizer’s reasonable control. 
Please note proof of submission of the entry is not proof of receipt of the same.
 If a winner is not contactable within three working days from the result announcement, he or she will forfeit the prize and another winner will be selected from the remaining eligible entries in accordance with the above process until a winner is selected and can be contacted. 
In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organizers reserve the right to amend or withdraw the Quiz at any time.
 For the avoidance of doubt this includes the right to amend these terms and conditions. 
The Participant shall abide by all the rules and regulations of participating in the Quiz from time to time. 
Organisers reserve all rights to disqualify or refuse participation to any participant if they deem participation or association of any participant which is detrimental to the Quiz or the Organizers or partners of the Quiz. 
The registrations shall be void if the information received by the Organizers is illegible, incomplete, damaged, false or erroneous. 
Organiser’s decision on the Quiz shall be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the same.
 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Indian Judiciary. 
By entering the Quiz the Entrant accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, mentioned above. 

Winner will get Rs.5000/- and a certificate. Individual coming second will get Rs.3500/- and a certificate. Individual coming third will get Rs.2000/- and a certificate. Also, 37 [28 States and 9 UTs] more winners (from toppers tally) will be declared who will get Rs.1000/- each and a certificate. Total financial payout – Rs.47,500/-.

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