Nottam Short Film Contest ഷോർട്ട് ഫിലിം മത്സരം - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday 21 September 2015

Nottam Short Film Contest ഷോർട്ട് ഫിലിം മത്സരം

Information and Public relations Department seeks to bring to fore the video activism in all parts of the state . I&PRD is organizing an online short video festival “ Nottam” which will be a digital space as well as a repository for showcasing the local level development initiatives . The videos with maximum duration of 4 minutes can be fiction or non fiction. 

Article 1. Organisation

Nottam Short video festival will be organized by Information and Public Relations Department, Government of Kerala

Article 2. Aims and Objectives

The online short video competition aims to catalyse the imagination of the video professionals as well as amateurs to prepare and present short videos on developmental initiatives at the local level . This endeavor aims to showcase initiatives in rural as well as suburban centers rather than focusing on initiatives in cities. The unique initiatives in city can also be presented.

Article 3. Details of Video entries

Fiction Videos : Videos can be on a dream about a developmental project which could transform the life/lives of people in a particular geography.

Non Fiction Videos : Videos can be based on realised developmental project which had transform the life/lives of people in a particular geography, projects which could make a great difference in the quality of life etc.

The minimum length will be 90 seconds and maximum length will of 4 minutes.

The short video mustn't promote any political party, religious organizations, individual hagiographies nor bring in representative of political parties or religious organisations in the narrative of the video.

There is no restriction on number of entries for Director/Directors

The short videos needs to be uploaded in any video format to the official website of the competition.

4.0 Preliminary Selection

A preliminary Selection committee will be nominated by I&PRD for selection of videos for online screening. This selected video will be made online for public viewing/rating/sharing.

The submitted short video needs to be focused on a development topic if not entry will be rejected at the stage of preliminary selection

The short video on preliminary selection committee's approval will be made online and audience shall be given an opportunity to share, rank and rate the video

Selection of films for online screening for public viewing/rating/sharing is at the discretion of the committee, set up by the Department. On the recommendation of the Selection Committee the decision taken by the I&PRD on selection will be considered as final and non-appealable.

The Director of I&PRD as the Director of the short video completion will have the privilege to waive any condition for participation in the Competition. Only entries recommended, by the jury to be constituted by I&PRD, will be available for online preview

The Director of I&PRD will constitute the jury for selection of award winners. The jury will have representation from experts from development, video and government sectors.

There will be no legal claim for participation in the competition on submission of videos.

Once submitted withdrawn of video from the competition will be permitted.

During the entire period of the competition, none of the invited videos shall be shown in any other online platform other than the official website or official web channel of the competition before its official presentation.

Entries selected for online screening can be shared by all in all available online platforms. Sharing /rating and discussions of video entries in the festival web page/channel by all will be an encouragement for the competition and the development themes reflected in the videos.

Subtitles in english shall be provided for videos in languages other than malayalam spoken in kerala.

All elements used in the video must be free of copyright issues and if any issue arises on screening or streaming of these videos in any public domain the director of the video shall need to indemnify and compensate the I&PRD from any legal/financial issues.

The Director on online submission of his/her video also give permission to use part of his video for promotional activities of the competition.

The Director on online submission of his/her video also shall permit broadcast of the submitted video for popularisation of the competition and video provided the discretion of giving permission shall be vested with the producer/director.

The officials of I&PRD and C-DIT is not allowed for submission of their entries for this competition

Entry deadlines & selection of films

The deadline for receiving applications and online video material: 25th September 2015.

14.2 The video must be accompanied by uploading the following in the press kit section:

Synopsis in English and malayalam.

Press Book or Publicity Brochure (Optional )

Stills from the film & Director's photograph )

Name, Address, Mobile phone No & e-mail of the person for correspondence.

15.0 Rules governing selection of videos for awards :

The Information and Public Relations Department, Government Of Kerala will nominate a jury consisting of eminent persons including filmmakers and others from different fields.

No person with any involvement in the films received for competition will be present in the Selection committee. The committee member will be asked to provide this in writing.

16.0 Last date

Last date for receiving preview material with press kit will be 25th September 2015.

17.0 Jury

An independent jury appointed by the Information and Public Relations Department , Government Of Kerala will determine the prize winning videos. The decision of the jury will be final.

No one with any involvement in the making or the marketing of an entry for Nottam competition may sit on the jury.

The jury will sit in judgment on short videos chosen by the selection committee for online preview

The Director, I&PRD and the two members nominated by the Director, I&PRD from the Festival crew are free to assist Jury in their deliberations but will take no part in the deliberations or decision making.

In addition to the cash awards the Jury is free to award special jury prizes and mentions to any aspect of filmmaking. These will not carry any cash prizes.

For non official Awards the Festival will facilitate the viewing of the films and the hosting of the Juries.

18.0 Last date

Participation in the festival implies acceptance of all aforementioned regulations and selection conditions.

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