#LetterToRiver Global Letter Writing Campaign 2024 by Udaan Youth Club (UYC) - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Saturday, 17 February 2024

#LetterToRiver Global Letter Writing Campaign 2024 by Udaan Youth Club (UYC)

Udaan Youth Club is observing the International Day of Action for Rivers on the theme “Water for All” by organizing a global letter writing campaign #LetterToRiver. SR Aman Kumar inaugurated #LetterToRiver Global Letter Writing Campaign on 13th February 2024. Rivers play an important role in nurturing and sustaining life in our surroundings but we often forget to take a pause and say thank you.

#LetterToRiver is a global letter writing campaign that aims to engage people from every corner of the world. In this campaign, participants will be needed to search for their local river, collect facts about that river, capture one photo, write a letter in their words, and submit it all to us. UYC will design a beautiful poster with your name, letter, river photo, and location and share that on our social media and website. With this campaign, UYC aim to invite submissions every year and document 1 million #LetterToRiver by 2030, contributing to achieving the sustainable development goals.

Open to everyone worldwide, regardless of age or background.
Write your letter using your own words, expressing gratitude and appreciation for your river.
Submit a unique letter and include relevant facts about your local river.
Including a photo of your river is optional.
Submissions for this year's #LetterToRiver campaign must be received by March 13, 2024.
Participants whose letters are selected for publication on the website will receive a Certificate of Participation.
We welcome contributions from nature enthusiasts, environmentalists, students, activists, and anyone passionate about sustainability.
Share your submission on social media using #LetterToRiver #WaterForAll #NYKS #MissionLiFE hashtags.
All submissions must be original and should not be AI-generated or plagiarized.
Letters can be written in any language.
Length of your letter should be between 200 and 500 words.

Application Process:

Identify a river nearest to you, collect facts related to that, write a gratitude letter to the river in your words in your language, submit it to Udaan Youth Club using the link: https://forms.gle/B9DQ7UkvBMRBPCpN6

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