Samvidhan Quiz - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday, 29 January 2024

Samvidhan Quiz

Commemorating 75th year of India as Republic is a historical moment that earmarks the day on which India adopted its Constitution, the fundamental law of the land. On this occasion, it is important we organize a quiz with the theme titled “Quiz Samvidhan” for citizens which would not only familiarize and educate but at the same time test their knowledge of constitutional principles, key facts about the making of the Constitution, fundamental rights and fundamental duties, insights into the structure and functioning of the three organs of the State – Executive, Judiciary and Legislature etc. This informative and engaging quiz is available in both English and Hindi, ensuring accessibility for a wider audience.

During this quiz, top 1000 entries would be selected who would give the highest correct answers in minimum time. These 1000 winners would be given Rs 1000 each at the end of the competition. The top three entries will be duly acknowledged by Department of Justice.

 Entry to the Quiz is open to all Indian citizens

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