Feminism and Folklore 2024 Writing Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Feminism and Folklore 2024 Writing Contest

Feminism and Folklore Writing Contest, an annual celebration of cultural diversity and gender inclusivity on Wikipedia. This contest invites passionate contributors to embark on a journey of documenting local cultural events, folk-related activities, and the often overlooked but significant contributions of women. As an integral part of the Wiki Loves Folklore (WLF) campaign, this project goes beyond the lens of photography, encouraging participants to craft compelling narratives through the creation and expansion of Wikipedia articles.

Contest Details
This year, the Feminism and Folklore Writing Contest takes a focused approach, emphasizing feminism, women biographies, and gender-focused topics within the broader theme of Wiki Loves Folklore. The project aims to address gender gaps on Wikipedia by exploring the dynamic intersection of folk culture and diverse gender perspectives.

Themes and Topics
Folklore Participants are encouraged to explore a myriad of folklore topics from around the world. The scope includes, but is not limited to, folk festivals, dances, music, activities, games, cuisine, traditional wear, fairy tales, plays, arts, religion, mythology, and more. Contributors have the opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of global traditions, capturing the essence of intangible cultural heritage.

Women in Folklore This theme expands the narrative to spotlight the often-overlooked contributions of women and queer individuals in folk culture. Participants can explore the stories of folk artists, dancers, singers, musicians, game athletes, and delve into the portrayal of women in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales. Topics may include women warriors, witches, and examinations of gender roles within the rich fabric of folklore.

Contest Start Date: 01/02/2024 00:00 UTC
Contest End Date: 31/03/2024 23:59 UTC

Participation Process
To participate in the Feminism and Folklore Writing Contest, individuals are encouraged to engage with their local Wikipedia communities. The process involves the following steps:

Local Organizers and Jury: A local Wikipedia organizer and jury are essential for effective participation. They play a crucial role in coordinating the contest locally, setting up campaigns, and overseeing the judging process. You can find the list of all participating wikipedias here. If your wiki is not in list you can organise too.
Fountain Tool and Project Tracking: Local organizers are encouraged to set up the Wikipedia campaign on the Fountain tool or utilize project tracking on dashboard tool. These tools enhance efficiency in monitoring and evaluating contributions.
Accessing Article List: Participants can access the list of articles relevant to feminism and folklore through a dedicated tool created for this purpose. This tool serves as a valuable resource for inspiration and guidance.
Article Creation or Expansion: Participants are invited to expand or create new articles on the designated themes within the specified timeline (1 February to 31 March). The aim is to contribute to the documentation of intangible cultural heritage, emphasizing feminism and folklore.

Prizes and Recognition
 Prizes will be awarded to the most accepted articles globally, showcasing exceptional contributions to the documentation of feminism and folklore on Wikipedia.

1st prize: 300 USD
2nd prize: 200 USD
3rd prize: 100 USD
Consolation top 10 winners: 50 USD Each
There can also be local prizes on local Wiki project.

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