NLF Reading Challenge 2024 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday 20 May 2024

NLF Reading Challenge 2024

The NLF Reading Challenge is designed to get children to read more, reflect on and discuss their reading, interact with authors, and connect with other readers like themselves.

Registrations for NLF Reading Challenge 2024 are open now. 


Who is it for?
Children from Grades 4-6 who love to read.

Parents, librarians, teachers, siblings or other adults who wish to nominate young readers.

How does it work?
There are 2 Tracks for the Challenge: the Competitive and the Non-Competitive Track.

A Reading Schedule is shared at the start of the Challenge in July, 2024 to help the participants navigate their reading.

Readers who wish to pursue the Non-Competitive Track may read any or all of the books on the reading list, and will get the chance to interact with acclaimed global and Indian authors during the author interaction sessions we host on Zoom. They soak in the reading experience!

Competitive Track 
You are required to participate in groups of 3 members, mentored by a Reading 
School Librarians, Coordinators, or Interested Adults (Parents, Reading Guides) will pick students to form teams to enroll in the Competitive Track. 
Each team in the Competitive Track is expected to read 2 to 3 books every week. E.g.if there are a total of 3 books to read in a week, each team member can read 1 book that week. 
These students also maintain a Reading Log that is updated regularly. The Reading Guide will be responsible for ensuring that the teams keep up with the Reading Schedule.

What to read
As a part of the NLF Reading Challenge 2024, young readers have to read this thoughtfully curated list of books over a period of 3 months. 

Students who qualify for the Grand Finale Quiz will be given certificates.

For your convenience links are given to the books to buy them online

Easy to read 


Just the right level

Challenging to read

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