National Awareness Campaign on Energy Conservation: Painting Competition – 2022 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday 26 October 2022

National Awareness Campaign on Energy Conservation: Painting Competition – 2022

The Ministry of Power, Government of India undertakes awareness campaign on energy conservation on pan India basis. Painting Competition for students has been included as one of the activities of the campaign, which would not only make aware the students about the need of conserving energy but at the same time would educate and involve their parents as well in the above cause.

Eligibility Criteria
I. For Indian Schools 
a. Schools situated in India and having affiliation with the any of the education board like Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE), State Boards of all States in India are eligible to participate in Painting Competition. 'b. Affiliated schools which get registered themselves on Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s (BEE) portal can participate in the Painting competition.
c. Students of 5th 6th & 7th class/standard are eligible to participate in Group ‘A’.
d. Students of 8th 9th & 10th class/standard are eligible to participate in Group ‘B’.

For Individual from India
a. Children Studying in 5th 6th & 7th class/standard in affiliated schools are eligible to participate in Group ‘A’ as individual entry.
b. Children Studying in 8th 9th & 10th class/standard in affiliated schools are eligible to participate in Group ‘B’ as individual entry.
c. Individuals, who submit self-declaration in the prescribed manners while registering themselves on Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s (BEE) portal are eligible to participate in the Painting Competition.

For Schools of other countries (situated outside India) 
a. Schools of countries other than India and having affiliation with the any of the education board like Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) are eligible to participate in Painting Competition. 
b. Schools of other countries would be required to register themselves on Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s (BEE) portal , to participate in the Painting competition.
c. Students of 5th 6th & 7th class/standard are eligible to participate in Group ‘A’.
d. Students of 8th 9th & 10th class/standard are eligible to participate in Group ‘B’.

Group A
 Light the candle of Patriotism, Save Energy for the Nation.
देशभक्ति का ददया जलाये, देश के क्तलए क्तिजली िचाए |
 Let’s make a world of dreams, by creating rule of energy
चलो सपनों का संसार िनाये, क्तिजली िचाने का क्तनयम िनाये |
Group B
 Let’s write the future, Switch to Electric Vehicle.
आओ अपना भक्तिष्य क्तलखे, इलेक्तरिक िाहनों पर क्तविच करें |
 Let us rise and complete our duty, Save Energy for
आओ उठो अि फ़र्ज़ क्तनभाएं, देश के क्तलए ऊजाज़ िचाएं |

School Level Painting Competition
 For Indian Schools
a. BEE would nominate Nodal Officials for all the 37 States and UTs’.
b. BEE would design advertisement creative and Nodal Agencies would release in National Dailies for launch of activity in all the 37 States/UTs.
c. Nodal Officials of all the States and UTs’ would run a media campaign to spread awareness about Painting Competition amid society
Nodal Official of all States and UTs would organize one or many meets with State Education Officials and apprise them about methodology of Painting Competition.
e. BEE would design Emailers and share with Nodal Officials to use them to inform schools on Painting Competition.
f. Schools, which have registered on BEE Portal, would organize 2 hours Painting Competition in their respective schools for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ separately in a competitive manner during (from month to month).
g. All the participants would use their own drawing material unless otherwise provided by the school.
h. Evaluation Committee of the respective schools would select only 2 best paintings from each group and would upload them on BEE portal in the prescribed manners.
i. No correspondence/grievance will be entertained by the MoP/BEE/CPSU regarding the School level Competition and the decision of selecting two best paintings by the School Evaluation Committee would be final.

For Individual Participants (Indian Schools)
a. Nodal Official of respective State/UT would short list 4 – 5 Nodal Schools in major/prime cities in consultation with District Education Officer/State Education Department.
b. Nodal schools would, preferably, be declared as venue for the Painting Competition for individual participants of respective State/UT.
c. Staff of the Nodal School would perform the duty of Invigilator for the organization of 2 hours Painting Competition.
d. Nodal School, in consultation with Nodal Official, would constitute Evaluation Committee under the supervision of the official from State Education Department.
e. Evaluation Committee members and Invigilators would be paid honorarium in the prescribed manners.
f. Individuals who get registered on BEE portal to participate in Painting Competition and have met all essential parameters would be sent admission ticket and venue details along with instructions via email and WhatsApp message.
g. Painting competition would get cancelled for the declared Venue automatically if there is no registration for such venue (Nodal School).
h. Nodal Official would coordinate and facilitate organisation of Painting Competition for individual participants with these Nodal Schools.
i. All the individual participants must carry their own drawing material.
Evaluation Committee would select only 2 best paintings of each group and would hand over to Nodal School management.
k. Nodal School would share these two best paintings with State Nodal Official via email unless otherwise prescribed.
l. No correspondence/grievance will be entertained by the Nodal School and the decision of selecting two best paintings by the School Evaluation Committee would be final.

For Schools of other countries (situated outside India)
a. Bureau of Energy Efficiency would request Chairman of CBSE to nominate officials to coordinate the activities
b. Bureau of Energy Efficiency would request nominated officials of CBSE to write an official email to all the affiliated schools situated outside India as well as in India to organize Painting Competition in their schools during from month to month.
c. A brief methodology of the Painting Competition would also be shared with these schools.
d. It would be mandatory for CBSE to nominate a Senior Official for overall supervision of actions and support with BEE and MoP.
e. Designed and focussed Emailers may also be sent by BEE/MoP to schools to inform them on Painting Competition.
f. CBSE Schools situated in foreign countries must register themselves on BEE Portal and organize 2 hours Painting Competition in their respective schools for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ separately in a competitive manner during (from month to month).
g. All the participants would carry their own drawing material unless otherwise provided by the school.
h. Evaluation Committee of the respective schools to select only 2 best paintings from each group and upload them on BEE portal in the prescribed manners.
i. No correspondence/grievance will be entertained by the MoP/BEE/CBSE regarding the School level Competition and the decision of selecting two best paintings by the School Evaluation Committee would be final.

State Level Painting Competition :
50 (plus 5 reserves) best paintings each for Categories ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be selected by a Committee of Experts/Jury.

Selected students from categories ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be called for two hours on-the spot Painting Competition to be held on 14th November, 2022

Each participating student from Categories ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be paid ₹2000/- in cash and a participation certificate.

To & fro Sleeper class / AC Chair Car / 3rd AC rail-fare or State Roadways bus fare for the participating student and two guardians for Group ‘A’ but only one guardian for Group ‘B’ will be reimbursed

National Level Painting Competition :
1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of State Level Painting Competition of the Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ from each State/UT will be invited to Delhi to participate in “National Level Painting Competition” to be held on 12th December, 2022.

Boarding & Lodging, to & fro sleeper class / AC Chair Car / 3rd AC rail-fare or State Roadways bus fare by the shortest route for two guardians of Group ‘A’ and one guardian of Group ‘B’ will be reimbursed. In addition, each participating student will be paid a sum of ₹2000/- as incidentals and given a participation certificate.

In case of International applicants, 3 best Paintings of Group A & Group B each would be evaluated by BEE.

These Paintings will be separately judged for winners of National Level Painting Competition (International category)

National Level winners of both Groups ‘A’ & ‘B’ will be awarded cash prizes by the Chief Guest on the “National Energy Conservation Day Function” to be held in Delhi on 14th December, 2022.

State Level Painting Competition : 
1st Prize – ₹50,000
2nd Prize – ₹30,000
3rd Prize – ₹20,000
10 consolation prizes of ₹7,500 each
National Level Painting Competition : 
1st Prize – ₹1,00,000
2nd Prize- ₹50,000
3rd Prize- ₹30,000
10 consolation prizes of ₹15,000 each

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