The Bologna Children’s Book Fair – International Award for Illustration - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday, 25 August 2022

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair – International Award for Illustration

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair – Fundación SM International Award for Illustration is a an initiative jointly organized by BolognaFiere S.p.A. and Fundación Santa Maria – Ediciones SM


Individual illustrators or groups of illustrators of any nationality, provided they were born prior to 31 December 2005, whose artwork is intended for use in children’s books, are eligible to enter the Exhibition, either directly or through publishing houses, associations of illustrators or schools.

This annual Award will be granted to one of the young illustrators (under 35 years of age) selected each year from the Bologna Children’s Book Fair's Illustrators Exhibition: the only requirements for eligibility are being under 35 years of age on the date of selection, not winning the prize in previous years of the Illustrators Exhibition and not being an employee of BolognaFiere S.p.A: or SM, or their affiliates

The winner shall receive a prize of 15,000.00 euros gross and will be offered to illustrate a children’s book to be published by SM. The following year, the book will be presented during the Bologna Children's Book Fair and a special exhibition will be organized to highlight the work of the winning artist.

The winners will be offered other opportunities:

to win The International Award of Illustration BCBF – Fundación SM (for the illustrators under 35)
to win the ARS IN FABULA Grant Award (for the under 30)
to be chosen to create the trade show’s Visual Identity of the following year, in collaboration with Chialab Design.
As well as the winning illustrators, the finalists shortlisted for the last selection phase will enjoy visibility on BCBF’s website and social media channels and through various promotional initiatives. 

The registration and file upload function will be made available from 13 JULY TO 12 OCTOBER 2022.


Illustrators must enter their artwork exclusively online. 

The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as preferred, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file. The number of artworks (5) is mandatory.

The 5 illustrations – 5, no more, no less - may be unpublished artwork or artwork published after 1 January 2021. The work can be in black and white or colour and be produced using any technique.

The digital format must be: jpg or png, maximum size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.

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