18th All Kerala Mathematics Quiz competition - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday 6 March 2022

18th All Kerala Mathematics Quiz competition

RSET is organizing the 18th Mathematics Club Day celebrations on 11th  and 14th March 2022.This year’s celebration includes 18th All Kerala Mathematics Quiz competition, Rapid fire and Paper Presentation . 

The preliminary round of the quiz will be in the online mode on 11th March 2022, and the final round will be in the offline mode on 14th March 2022. 

Online Registration : on or before 09.03.2022  

Events on 11th March 2022
1) Paper Presentation: Topic: Application of Differential Equation
(a) Individual participants can register their names on or before 9th March 2022.
(b) Practice your presentation to ensure it lasts no longer than the specified time. (8+2=10 minutes )
(c) Maximum number of slides in the presentation is limited to 10
(d) Participants have to give a concise introduction to applications of differential equations, maximum two real life applications, supported by the theory behind them.
2) Rapid Fire (A mathematical game)
(a) Each school/ college can send any number of participants.
(b) Individual participants can register their names on or before 9th March 2022.

Events on 14th March 2022 - QUIZ COMPETITION
(a) Each school/college can send any number of participants.
(b) Individual participants can register their names on or before 9th March 2022.
(c) Download Safe Exam Browser for Quiz Prelims.
(d) Final round of Quiz competition will be done in offline mode on 14th March 2022.

Quiz is open to school and college students

Rapid fire 13.30-16.30 https://forms.gle/WxWiaueBohYXZHmy6 
Quiz Prelims 13.30-16.30 https://forms.gle/xAHHBkm273EN9Yp8A
Paper Presentation 13.30-16.30 https://forms.gle/mjFPjmuMuhXgRyhq8

Prizes for Quiz Contest
1st prize ` 3000/- 
2nd prize ` 2000/-
 3rd prize ` 1000/-

Convener - Vinmol K. Jesudas (Mobile-+91 9495225897// Email-vinmolk@rajagiritech.edu.in)

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