WORLD WATER DAY 2023 PHOTO CONTEST - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday 20 November 2022


The Lions Club of Seregno AID Ets based in Seregno (MB) in collaboration with UN Water (Coordinating the UN’s work on water and sanitation), together with Lions Acqua per la vita MD108, the patronage of the European Community, the Province of Monza Brianza, the Municipalities of Seregno, Barlassina, Cesano Maderno, Seveso and Gruppo Solidarietà Africa, in the occasion of the 2023 World Water Day is organizing the seventh edition of the “World Water Day Photo Contest” #WWDPHC to draw public attention to the critical issue of water in our times, with special focus on access to good water.

The proceeds of the competition will be devolved for co-financing international aid project in favour of communities in need of “Water for Life“.

The competition is open to all lovers of photography and to all supporters of environmental issues, the title of the campaign is “ACCELERATING CHANGE”

Entrants may present all photos with water as protagonist and taken with any type of photographic device, camera, smartphone, tablet, drone. action cam etc.

For all sections , entries must not have won an award in any other photographic competition on pain of being disqualified. Both colour and black and white photos are permitted. Software corrections, and post production are allowed. Photo editing and photo manipulation are not accepted. Photos with signatures, watermarks or visible marks on the image are not allowed. The jury and the organisers will, at their discretion, disqualify those photos or images deemed offensive.

There are the following sections:

Among the participants in these two categories will be awarded indistinctly from the category also.

The best photo taken by a young photographers aged 21 years old (The age reached in completed years of age at 22/03/2023) (YOUNG CATEGORY WINNER)

The best photo taken by a members of any Lions Club or Leo Club all over the world (LIONS CATEGORY WINNER)

A themed section “WATER: ACCELERATING CHANGE” in which you can propose a set of photos, portfolios, photojournalism and storyboards, sequences of images that share a story related to water.

Along with the photos, will have to write a brief description, better in English of its project
Portfolios must be made minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 photos.

The contest starts on October 31st 2022, the dealine is February 26th 2023

The website\en will supply all information relevant to the registration and participation, to the enrolment fee and the dissemination of the competition.

To enter the contest just register in the “enroll” area available on the website\en, ( user already registered can use the same login credentials of the previous editions) pay the entry fee and upload the photos.

For both section “Themed Photos” a fixed fee of € 15.00 (fifteen Euro) is to be paid with the submission of two photso and € 5,00 (five Euro) for each subsequent photo.

For the section “Storytelling” a fixed fee of € 35.00 (thirtyfive Euro) is to be paid regardless of the number of photos making up the portfolio (minimum of 6, maximum of 12 photographs).

By entering the competition, entrants accept the present terms and conditions and declare to own full ownership of the work, and the right of use for the photo/s presented and any relevant disclaimers, and that none of the photos have been awarded a prize in other competitions, that the photos do not in any way violate the rights of any third parties.

To avoid uploading problems please follow the indications below:

.jpg format (please check the file extension. NO “.jpeg” o “JPG”);
the files must be smaller than 10 MB each;

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

1° place: Euro 1.500 + the title of “World Water Day Photo Contest 2023 Overall winner”

2° place: Euro 750

3° place: Euro 500

1° place overall: Euro 550

2° place: Euro 350

3° place: Euro 250

1° place: An on-line workshop with a member of the WWDPHC Jury Team

Themed photos LIONS CATEGORY

1° place: A prize offered by sponsors

1° place: Euro 750

2° place: Euro 500

3° place: Euro 250

1° place Europa: Euro 250 or an Honorable Mention

Dealine is February 26th 2023

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