ART street Monthly Illustration Contest - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday 7 November 2022

ART street Monthly Illustration Contest

Theme for ART street Monthly Illustration Contest for November is “Anthropomorphism” !

We have conducted illustration contests with a theme of “Anthropomorphism” on ART street.

This time, you can anthropomorphize anything you would like to!

Please try anthropomorphizing things with unique features
from the daily use items such as stationeries, cosmetics, foods and electric appliances
to living things such as animals and plants!

We are looking forward to seeing your illustrations!

Anyone can enter the contest, regardless of whether they are a professional artist or artist by hobby.
・Contestants are welcome to submit multiple works.
・Only original works that contenders own all the rights to and free for distribution may be submitted.
・You may enter an artwork you have posted on social medias such as Twitter in the past. You can also post your contest artworks on social media during the entry period.
・You can submit any artwork that is drawn by any paint tool applications (including MediBang Paint) in analog and digital.

Excellence Award: 50,000 yen
Selected winners: 10,000 yen
Rookie Award: 10,000 yen

Enter in 3 easy step
1 Draw a illustration

2 Check the box next to the banner

3 Submit to ART street

Last Date:  November 1, 2022 (Tue) - December 12, 2022 (Mon) 5PM JST * Japan time

Entry Format ・JPG, PNG, PSD, MDP(File size: Under 30MB)
・No designated size, but the DPI must be at least 300

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