Create-a-Cover Contest 2.0! - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday 6 June 2021

Create-a-Cover Contest 2.0!

Calling artists and illustrators, yet again! Submit the best of your art and get your designs on and into our book. 

Calling artists and illustrators, yet again! Submit the best of your art and get your designs on and into our book.

– What’s the contest about? –
Writefluence is bringing out thier first children’s book, on the topic “How I feel about the pandemic” written by children. They are looking for multiple images not just for the book cover but also for the interiors of the book.

To give you a hint about what they are looking for, children have a vivid imagination – their thoughts about the pandemic are totally different than what adults may write about! Their stories range from feelings of frustration about the pandemic to even surges of gratitude towards the time they are getting to spend with parents working from home at the moment.

Sketches depicting varied emotions of children are what we are looking for!
Formats: Submit your sketches / illustrations / cartoons / caricatures in JPG / JPEG formats using the participation link below
Dimensions: Minimum 2550 * 2550 px
Do not include any text on the image apart from what may be an integral part of your cartoon / caricature
Each artist can submit up to 5 entries
The contest is open for Indian residents of all ages
Submission fee: FREE

 Contest Deadline –
Send in your entries latest by June 20, 2021 using the participation link below. We shall not be considering entries via any other mode of communication.

– Results and Prizes –
The results will be announced on July 10, 2021.

Winning entries will be published as the cover of our book / within the book with credits to artist
A physical copy of the book once published, for the artist
A virtual recognition certificate from WriteFluence, for the artist

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