Aadi Yoga Kids Contest-2021 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Aadi Yoga Kids Contest-2021


The Current pandemic situation made us realize there is nothing more important than achieving good health and Yoga is the one way to achieve it.

      So let’s celebrate 7th International Yoga Day 2021 with “Aadi Yoga Kids Contest 2021” and promote "Yoga" in kids and teach them it's importance in life through this contest fun.Check out this video
Registration for "Aadi Yoga Kids Contest 2021" Eligible age 4 to 14 years.Open till 15-June-2021.

Choose Asanas as per your Category out of 6 asanas.

Note: Choose Asana as per your capacity, and pefrom under supervision..

Asanas for Jr. Category(4-8 Yrs.)

Asanas for Sr. Category(8+ to 14 Yrs.)

 Ustrasana | Camel Pose

 Bakasana| Bakdhyanasana

 SetuBandhasana| Bridge Pose

 Dhanurasa|Bow Pose

 Vrikshasana |Tree Pose

 Shirshasana|Head stand Pose

 TiryakBhujangasan | Swaying cobra pose

 Naukasana | Boat Pose

 Vakrasan|Twisted Pose

 Chakrasana |Wheel Pose 

 Gomukhasana |Cow Face Pose

 Sarvangasana |Shoulder Stand


Video Guidelines
Preparation for Video
 To shoot yoga video, kid has to perform any 2 asanas from given 6-asanas of his category.

Starting of Video
   Start video with own introduction: Name, age, city and Asanas name that are to be performed.

Asana Steps
  Either kid or parent can speak the instructions of steps during the video. and try to hold Posture* .

Benefits and Precautions
 Kid has to tell Benefits and precautions of asanas. performed.

Yoga Message
 Give a message to motivate viewers to add yoga in their life during this corona pandemic 

End Video With
 “Please like and share my video, and also subscribe the channel Thank you.” 

Duration of Video
   The duration of the video should not be less than 2:15 minutes. Try to demonstrate each asana twice. 

Video Quality
    Record Video Horizontally and keep camera stabilized.Try to make your video qualitative and Impressive.

Sample Video
 watch the videos of last contest for sample. Link: http://bit.ly/SampleYogaVideos 

Last Dates
 Registration opens till: 15th June 2021.

Last date of  video submission : 16th June 2021  


Prize Categoty


Winners Selection Procedure

 People’s Choice Prize(3)

 1st 1500/-INR

2nd 1100/-INR

3rd 500/-INR

 No. of Views on video. The top 3 will be awarded. Likes & shares on video may also be considered.

 Best Performance Prize(3)

1st 1500/-INR

2nd 1100/-INR

3rd  500/-INR

 Performance Based (But a Minimum of 250 Views on Video is mandatory)

 Impressive Performers(10)

 Amazon Vouchers of worth 200/- INR

 Based on no. of Views, Likes, and Performance that makes your video impressive.

For NRI/Foreigner

 Aadi Yoga Membership for 1 Yr. (Check Under About Us Page) Also Eligible for above Prizes

 Performance and Views.

Consolation Prizes

Certificates to All and 7-days Online Classes

 To All participants

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