2021 INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR COMPETITION - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Thursday 10 June 2021


In alignment with the United Nations’ aim for involving youth in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, the Competition Organizing Committee sets forth the following purposes of the 2021 Dual Competitions:
Empowering youth around the world through the competitions; amplifying the voices of youth worldwide.
Creating and accelerating SDG initiatives both in the communities and on a global level.
Encouraging and facilitating international youth collaboration.

The 2021 Dual Competitions on the UN SDGs are a fully guided process. Eligible youth from around the globe are welcome to apply. The Competition Organizing Committee is committed to providing contestants with all necessary training and support throughout the 4-month competition period. There are no fees associated with the competitions or related training. The competition is free for all. The Competition Organizing Committee may consider offering support to candidates in the areas with limited computer or internet access.

Youth between 13 and 18 years old;
Passionate about achieving the SDGs and a better future of the world;
Respectful to scientific principles, truth, facts, and data;
Strong desire for collaboration with youth from different cultures;
Able to communicate in English.

Selection Process
Registered candidates will be interviewed individually. Parents and/or guardians are recommended to participate in the interview process.
A maximum of 100 candidates worldwide will be selected to participate in the competition, approximately 16 students per continent/region.

Final Product
Business plan - a detailed, implementable plan
Potential social impact report
Showcase Act - presenting team learning using visual, performing, or multidisciplinary art forms

Six Award categories.
Winners will be invited to YRV Sustainability Shark Tank events for potential funding

Last Date: 30 June

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